40 weeks up fully upgrade a Legendary Cloak

The unfortunate side-effect to this approach is that players who enjoy semi-competitive endgame activities are going to do the things regardless of whether or not the things are fun. So when Ion and Co. look at the spreadsheets, they’re going to see people grinding cloak resistance and say, “look at all the people doing this, they must really like it.”


Ohly crap a legendary takes time to get!?!?!?! Say it ain’t so!! overly dramatic fake feint

8.3 is the shadowlands systems testing phase.

What you are about to do is test out what they want to do in Shadowlands.

This awful kiss/curse obsession that started in 8.2 is all groundwork for Shadowlands.

The feedback has been clear from the very start of 8.2: players do not like negative effects on their gear. They don’t like permanent debuffs. Nobody wants to watch their characters grow weaker in an RPG, we have something called real life for that and it happens to us every day as we slowly grow old and die.

This is you testing Shadowlands for them with this awful corruptforging.


Gotta appease those shareholders!

Shareholders first, paying customers second.

So glad I unsubbed


Remains to be seen. There’s nothing major coming up after 8.3 … if we get an 8.3.5 it’ll be maintenance stuff intended to make BFA easier to swallow for the content drought until Shadowlands release. We don’t have a release date on that, other than “before 12/31/2020.” So I can’t say for certain what I’ll be doing 20+ weeks into the raid cycle, nor can I speak for anyone else.

I just pointed out the time it would take to reach max by their planned upgrade path.

Like pathfinder…it was a smashing success if you just look at the raw numbers of people who completed it. Just like Loremaster…up from ~20% to over 40%…because they lock core functionality behind their stupid grinds.

“I must be a genius! Just look at all these players doing the content the I designed!” Ion - Probably.


That’s Ionforging.

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I enjoy how people keep ignoring the posts, including linked blue, showing the op is wrong only to keep saying how stupid the devs are


They aren’t “stupid”. Nobody said they were. They are out of touch with what the playerbase is willing to pay for. That’s a fail.


So you are not going to or willing farm content for 15 weeks?

Nope. I just got my team up to 120 during Korrak. I have no illusions that I could get into raiding or m+ at this point. And certainly not into PvP. I see the entire grind as a pointless waste of time for someone like me who isn’t into paying off a penalty before being permitted to actually play the game.

If you’re into that, fine. I’ll be farming old content for rare drops, etc.


Progression? No. Farm? Yes.

I’ll be killing the boss all the way up until they remove the mount from the raid, courtesy of Friendship Dragon.

This method of upgrading an item isn’t new. This toon alone had all three Antorus trinkets capped during Legion. I have multiple capped rings from during WoD too.

Well, gratz? So you’re still going to be doing that raid as progression when your cloak is fully upgraded?

This reminds me of the Argus legendary trinket that nobody got until they were 120 and doing the content as transmog runs.

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No, I’ll be doing farm content.

So you have to do your progression without the full use of the cloak. So what purpose does it serve? See Legendary Argus trinket that was so rare essentially nobody got it during progression, even though that was its intended use.

You’ll have as much use of the cloak as you’re willing to put into it. If you don’t want to upgrade it, don’t. It’s a thing to do, much like playing a video game is at all.

Aman’thul’s Vision wasn’t wanted by every spec, but we had at least five in guild long before Legion ended.

This whole legendary cloak grind + essences (which still aren’t account bound for some reason) + Azerite armor rng have me not hyped for this patch.


Forgeing ftw!

I only intend to do enough to try and get all the mounts, pets and transmog stuff I want. There is no point in stressing out about the grind when Shadowlands is going to take it all from us anyway.


This is exactly the way it’s been every expansion just with a new twist added, if you want to get all of the cool things you have to grind it out and then when the next expansion drops it’s all for nothing and you start all over again. What I try to do is decide how much effort I want to put into getting stuff and then stop grinding it when you get bored with it.