40 Renown and never Q'd again club

I would. The Brawlers Guild was actually fun.


FYI, the sparkles come from the cloak alone. The cloak doesn’t really add much to the set in terms of visuals (except the sparkles) so you can just mog no cloak and the set looks better imo.


Yeah, the transmog is nice. The only issue I have is that the 3 blue wisps floating around the character model should have been red or gold.

I don’t use the cape. So I don’t see them. But yeah the blue wisps were an odd choice.

Renown 6 and I’m about ready to give up and never touch this festering [REDACTED][CENSORED] again.


I did some napkin math and it came out to 340 hours or 12 hours a day for the next 28.3 days. I’d rather have 4 root canals per day.

100% fun.

:dragon: :ocean: :dragon: :ocean:


I had to queue into the lobby to talk to the orc to get my Plunderlord title to appear in retail, but then I exited and didn’t play that game.

I don’t hate plunderstorm. If I hatred it, I would not have ground out 40 reknown. However, neither do I like it as I have no interest in ever queuing again,

Technically im in this club. More so im not really playing until S4.

But you’re saying that it’s a success, ok it’s a success in the fact that Blizzard managed to get a bunch of people to participate but…will it retain players, will people keep queuing once they’ve reached 40?
I will still go run Naxx or ICC or the memory of it, because I had fun, I ran the battlegrounds during the wow anniversary event because I had fun. I’m not a great pvper never have been, when I first started playing back in 2009 if a player came at me my hands would shake trying to fight back, I’ve gotten better, and learned about pve servers lol. I can’t speak for Brawlers guild or mythics I never had any interest in them.

Well, I joined games after I hit 40, but I immediately killed myself to spectate other players. Like, I didn’t even land. I found out flying into the edge of the zone counts as bouncing off the storm wall and you can just keep bouncing off of it to take damage.

60th place club.

Plunderstorm is now dead to me just like Season of Discovery… no ty. Can’t stand Vanilla WoW with the old balance. It felt better leveling during Wrath, but I don’t feel like going back to that either cause times change and games are even better now.

Also getting to 40 renown traumatized me.

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Renown 0 and never queueing once.



You are stronger than me my friend. I needed pirate things as you would be able to see if the forums worked.

Yarr lass.

Not alone, I just wanted the stuff. The grind isnt as bad as the general forums make it out to be.

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Brawlers guild is awesome but there is no replay-ability…

Only downside to it.

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You’re definitely not. I hit 40 and haven’t queued for myself since. My wife is still slowly working her way up the track. So I queue duos with her when she wants to get more renown levels


Maybe they should add scaling Brawlers Guild + content, going up to +7 in difficulty and adding in a few new changes. Perhaps environment gets deadlier and boss room gets modifiers. Think Fetid, Rotted, Cursed chalices in Bloodborne at the highest levels of +7.

Title for completion while solo: Durden

Feat: In Death We Are All Durden

Sorry this was a bit off topic but pve stuff like this was fun new content at least for pve’ers.

I die even faster in duos.

Died on landing 1st attempt.

Second attempt my pilot was lagging and we landed on a cliff side in the middle of Nowhere. Then proceeded to get wrecked by buzzards lol

:ocean: :dragon: :ocean: :imp:

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Never going back, never, EVER!

Got 40, logged into the lounge to set my title to Plunderlord (so it would actually show up in my title list in game) and tell the other peeps to embrace the Stormwall. Landed my parrot next to an elite I promptly suicided to, and haven’t been back since.


Duos are much more effective when your sitting next to the person your playing with, or at the very least on discord or something. But, we’re never looking to last long. Get a decent chunk of plunder in the shortest amount of time possible and die by our own hands. After a bit you figure out where the most common unused areas are that also have a reasonable amount of elites and possible chest spawns. Land there, mow down some plunder and run into the storm. most of the time we hardly ever see anyone else