40 Renown and never Q'd again club

I sometimes go back for a game to see how far I can float on the parrot, mess around, lose again and remember how worthless I am as a human being.

Like a moth to a flame, moth to a flame… poof…

I’m Renown 0 never qued at all.


Not going back without more bribes.


I hit 20 today been trying to do like 2-5 levels each day.

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Measured by what statistic?

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Renown 40, never touching it again, lost my sanity.

If it hadn’t been for the transmogs, pets and mounts, would you or anyone else have played it? I wouldn’t have given it a thought if it hadn’t been for any of that. I like old piratey themed stuff, or I probably wouldn’t have played it at all.
So take away those things would they have had anyone playing? I think there are very few that play it for the fun of it.


Renown 3 and have no interest in doing it again. Not my thing. Did win one time though. Felt nice

I’m waiting for a recolor of the coat, the red just is not my color.

Once I knew I’d hit 40 in my last match I ran to the nearest pvp action and let em kill me. Dinged 40 and never looked back. Not my kind of game, but I wanted the cosmetics and mounts.

renown 3 and never q’d again club

That describes most content in WoW though?

Absolutely no one would do the brawler’s guild if it had nothing associated with it. Most people don’t do Mythic raids even though they do.

Personally, I hope the Black Recolor winds up on the cash shop. I’ll drop some money on that.

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I had fun doing this but it’s too wonky and RNG.
Will likely not play again, because for two reasons:

  • I have no faith in this developer team due constant disappointments since Legion
  • They do not understand their player base

It’s probably most people.

The amount of WoW players that want to play a battle-royale, I can probably count on one hand.

I think it’s -okay-, but I admit I don’t like how we play from-scratch characters, I have mains and alts for a reason.

Hit 40, never been back.

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not me - i dont PvP , dont like it , but I love this side game , so much fun . I havent killed a single player yet and dont even fight back if attacked , just get what I can , and then requeue

I’ll do another grind just to get something to remove those annoying sparkles.

They always take a wonderful set and ruin it with stuff like that.

The sparkles don’t even match the color of the set as well.

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The only other place I’ve seen the sparkles is on that store set. The Celestial Observer set. Hence my suspicion that they just sort of modified those items and forgot to disable its unique associated partical effect.

Not sure why little stars would be orbiting a pirate admiral. Both sets look great, it’s just a weird coincidence that they’d share that effect

Same, grinded 40 in 2 days and haven’t been back. Won’t go back till there are more rewards added that I want. Till then, good riddance Plunder.