40 Renown and never Q'd again club

I swear duos are like 5x harder because 2 people trying to setup burst on you is, like, actually so hard to deal with if they’re coordinated and you don’t have an “out”, like fae/bulwark.

My buddy and I grab full cc/burst powers and just 123 instagib person after person. :dracthyr_blob_dance_animated:

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One renown club checking in.

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Done and done as well. 'Gratz all

This isn’t going to work against skilled PVPers though.

Except that it has. :dracthyr_nervous_animated: Although almost everybody just messing around now because the mode isn’t serious/ranked or anything.

Not sure what the aversion is to adding new additional tracks or levels of reputation to old content either.

Next go around could add another 5 renown if they wanted to, but I don’t think I’ve really seen anything evergreened in this manner.

Blizzard could easily drop another m+ or raid mount halfway through a season with different fulfillment requirements, to double pump engagement.

One and done. Not interested if they make seasons or any other renown.


i would love to see them expand on brawlers guild

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0 renown and never q’d at all club checking in :grinning:


Most of the people that do the cc instagib usually wait until the other person is distracted opening a chest or killing an elite.

Never seen that work on a person fighting 1 on 1 just due to being able to juke it with Fae Form, Stalker, or that disengage spell.

Only qualms i have against the mode is only 1 map, can’t just stay in the pirate lobby without queuing( they got all that training equip even), and they need something to block pvp until at least level 3.

At level 3 everyone has spells and it is more fair.

I really hate PvP so I am one and done. I cannot see myself grind out 40 levels of renown for content I don’t enjoy. The thing is I don’t feel that it is bad content. If I enjoyed PvP and just wanted some “mindless” PvP fun I could see playing it and getting the renown naturally. It would be interesting to see something like this have a place within the normal PvP rotation.

Yeah, if somebody has an out then a telegraphed ability is usually easily dodged, so need some sort of priority, even if it’s just a slow that lets you hit a skillshot and once you’re stunned it’s over because every other skillshot or unreliable ability lands.

Hit by snowdrift into teammates leap? Well, now they’re getting earthbreakered into star bomb into tornado. :dracthyr_love_animated: :dracthyr_blob_dance_animated:

I am about the worse PvPer and only fell for that once while I was fighting the Pieces of hate. Other times right after the tornadoe stun, I just stalker port+stealth out then smack them long ranged with Archon until they do it again and repeat.

I actively avoid looting Starbomb past level 5( very good in early game for getting massive chain kills).

Just don’t transmog the cloak since the sparkles are attached to that. A coat like that isn’t designed to be worn with a cloak anyway.

As for me, I hit 40 a few days ago. Have to queue 1 more time to equip my title in the lobby bc for whatever reason it won’t show up in retail until I do. After that, I won’t touch it again.

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Finished the grind. The buffs to rep gains helped.

Won’t touch it again.


Trio mode has been in the game files since day 1. Source - strings in the wow binary.

Trader Post after then. When they relaunch Plunderstorm I hope they cut out the pve and just keep it pvp. A BR does not need a grind tier. Just have the rewards related to plunder as a currency, or rewards as achievements.

Absolutely part of the renown 40 and never queued again club.

Edit: Actually, I am considering queueing one more time near the end to see how long the queue times got and how toxic it all became. Maybe I’ll be pleasantly surprised.

Honestly I agree. Convert it to full pvp. Make Plunder a currency you get from PVP and that you use to buy rewards.

I refuse to even try to hit 40. Sounds like torture. I’ll just wait and hope that stuff hits the Trading Post eventually.