40 Renown and never Q'd again club

Yeah, like, there’s a set of armor for each class that goes away at the end of each season and the forums, twitter and reddit don’t bat an eye.

I’m not gonna get some stuff each season/expansion, and that’s fine.

idk how u have the patience to do that so quick. i get a renown a day and thats good enough

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at 75k… I can’t wait to never touch this trash heap again.

If Blizzard makes a season 2… I’m willing to drop $40 USD to skip the renown grind…

I think thats what they plan though.

With renown going up to 100 :dracthyr_love_animated: :dracthyr_yay_animated:

Guess I will pay $100 USD then to skip it. $1 USD per renown…

Seriously??? I mean, I pretty much hated it, but I just stopped playing it. It’s not part of the main game, so why quit over it?

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Because “I dislike the mode” isn’t as dramatic as “everybody I know quit because of the mode”.


Because we were hyped up about patch 10.2.6 being a mystery and the thought process was it was something awesome for Retail, not a separate game mode.


So? Really not seeing that as a reason to quit. Seems like an extreme reaction to something not being what you imagined it would be. Like a kid throwing a tantrum.

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For two of the guilds they just did not like the mode or how the reveal and rewards were handled. They were smaller Rp guilds but still been around for a while.

The third has been dissatisfied with WoW for a while. Locking the Long Coat/ Trench coat mog, which is something Rpers have asked for now for over a decade, behind a PVP renown grind was just the last straw for them. So they left.


They (Blizzard) will try and blame Plunderstorms unpopular reaction on us of course.

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That’s me!

I got what I want :ok_hand:

Same, but like most if not all content, once you have all the rewards, you take a break and wait for next patch.

Hit 40…but will probably Q again out of curiosity to see if the wait times change and if 60 players will still be needed to start a match as others hit 40 and leave the mode behind.

I have always been part of the “never queue again” club. Didn’t have to get any renown to join either. Not one of the rewards had any interest for me, and I was very happy with that since I loathe PvP. :speak_no_evil::hear_no_evil::see_no_evil:

I still want the option to remove it from the character screen, acting like it’s the same game as WoW.


I’ve done a few games, and can’t even touch it at all anymore.


I no life grinded from 0 to 40 and I NEVER want to touch it again.

I’m late to the grind. Just started the other day so am not even 20 yet.

I generally loathe BR games, but I experienced an incredibly odd phenomenon…

I started to have fun!

I suck horribly at it… though I’m going to blame my OCE ping for at least some of that suckiness.

Same here, finished it last night. Never touching that garbage again.

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