40 Renown and never Q'd again club

Never even tried it club.


They’re already expanding on it. They announced trio mode a short while ago.

I’m sure there’ll be plenty of people playing, especially next season when they add more moggies.

Eh, I don’t know if I would call that much of an ‘expansion’. But for those that enjoy it, I hope they have fun.

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Plunderstorm… Must be amazing to max out something that has nothing to do with the actual game. Are you caught-up on your battle-pets also?


Well, they’ve been rolling out changes every few days. It isn’t even two weeks old, and considering its popularity it wouldn’t be surprising to see it get new abilities, another map, more mogs to unlock, etc.

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Well no, it’s not exactly earthshattering. It’s a quick and easy bit of work I’m sure. But I meant it is an indication that they aren’t just sweeping it under the rug.

It gave us mounts, pets, and mogs. I enjoyed it as a pve’r but I did so because I WANTED to, not because I felt like I HAD to.
Pixels come, pixels go. I wanted them so I did what I needed to to get them. It’s not for everyone. No, I won’t be back, unless more stuff.

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If they are smart they will wait a while before they tie more mogs to Plunderstorm. No matter if you think it’s popular or not. If they try to dangle another carrot in front of PVE players again…they are gonna get a bigger backlash than the current one.

We don’t even know what its current end date is or anything past their plans for a Creator Royale. I’d wait to gauge success till we know the length and what the actual participation metrics are once PVE players have gotten done with their grind and left. Blizzard has already put out a Survery, which isn’t something they often do unless they are responding to something either positive or negative, And they have acknowledged that people are angry over how Plunderstorm was handled. As I said before. I’d hold off calling it a success till we’ve reached the end of its first outing.


They absolutely will, even if it’s just recolors of the same set. :dracthyr_yay_animated:

Everybody queuing it up for the moggies.

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And when it blows up in their faces I’ll just shrug and say ‘I told you so.’.

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How and why

Hit my 40 and blocked Plunderstorm out of my memories. I will never touch that game mode again


Okay I know you can’t have stuck your head in the sand that deep. People were angry at how Blizzard handled Plunderstorm and its rewards. Tying long asked for transmog rewards as well as other rewards to entice PVE players towards a PVP event. It led to a lot of negative feedback. I know of three guilds who left, canceled subs, because of Plunderstorm.

So again whether you consider it popular or not you can’t ignore the negative reaction the event garnered. If Blizzard wants to tie Transmogs to Plunderstorm they are gonna have to be smarter about how they do it or they will continue to alienate players.


Well, people are always angry about rewards unless they’re offered for logging in. They’ll probably do recolors on the trading post eventually (or maybe just the current plderstorm mogs themselves).

Okay. :dracthyr_tea:

ur not alone theres alot of cool stuff its a shame alot of people wont engage and i dont blame them

Riiiight…anyway, hope you have a good day. I won’t be replying again.

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Me reading that multiple guilds quit over plunderstorm.

They could’ve just not played it. It’s an optional mode that isn’t in the least bit forced. :dracthyr_heart:


Meeeee. I hit 40 and i didnt queue again and I wont ever again because this is the worst event ever implemented since the creation of Wow.

And I hope it will never come back when it finishes.


I don’t see it as a big deal. The game has had time limited titles/mounts/armor from content I don’t do since forever.