40 minutes for 5 runed crests does NOT respect my time

yes you do and they do. the bare minimum you owe people a run where nobody is wasting time.

your right its more than half. hes underselling it unless its low keys.

I’m not talking about what’s required to kill the boss, I’m talking about not wanting to feel like you’re falling behind and getting carried by the rest of your guild.

You still have shadowfury? and sometimes fear works.

Works when the target isn’t immune to stuns and/or fears.

Also, once the effect ends, the mobs will generally try to recast it right away (spell won’t go on cooldown).

I get it, Locks aren’t interrupt machines like other classes even with the pup. I just take issue with calling it a “healer affix.” Part of the reason it’s so awful plugging dps.

In 40 minutes, you could have entered a T8 delve four times, had zero deaths and still come out with 8 Runed Crests.

Now if they would get with the times and provide T9+ delves with top pve gear that be super. Mythic plus is old and players are tired to wasting time on them and hearing negative and/or toxic communications during their M+ game time.

This is a entirely pressure you’re putting on yourself, and the answer is not to take away freedom of choice from others (by removing crest system) because of it imo

There exist guilds that consist of primarily raid loggers who don’t do keys

M+ is ded.
Just find other ways

I have to agree. Farming ruined crests makes me just not want to log in. Keys on a timer is not fun. sorry but its not and represents everything I hate about this game

Tank is definitely the determining factor on a successful run, but of course plenty of other moving parts
 dps need to rupt heal needs to dispell and press buttons like they’re on crack etc. but damn a bad tank is just way too obvious. As a semi-experienced (this xpac) prot war, it amazes me watching tanks dip to half or even a quarter health instantly on a pull because they refuse to press a defensive like they’re saving it for next dungeon. Bruh I pop demo shout, last stand, and shield wall on cooldown rotationally. Tank should be taking the least amount of damage
 ironic as that sounds. Just my opinion/experience.


it is. sounds like a lousy group, not an issue with m+ itself.

I endured a 40-something deaths Siege+4 on my alt because the healer didn’t have single-target dispel on their bar or knew it even existed before we reached the last boss.

If Blizzard doesn’t want to adjust rewards, at least make proving grounds relevant again by requiring players achieve bronze, if not silver, ranking before they can run M+.

NW is easy to determine success, does group focus mages ? If no, leave. If yes, probably succeed. The mechanics are childsplay and is a very easy dungeon but my god do people have issues focusing on anything but the big bad boss. If you wipe on 2nd boss at all, it isn’t worth staying. Let’s not even talk about wiping on the first boss lol.


Not if you have a life. I don’t get much time to “grind”. I get 2 hours here, 2 hours there.

Tonight I managed to get invited to a +6 Dawnbreaker, then a +6 City of Threads. Both runs timed. Apparently +6’s really are the secret to success. It’s the 4’s and 5’s that are a nightmare lol. It was like night and day difference.

This is fair, imho.

“Oh, you’re hoofing it solo and pugging? Enjoy waiting 20m+ between queues per key and you’ll need about 30 2-6s before you can even start on your 8-10s. Haha!”

Only time to use Imp is Siege and NW last boss.

Why NW last boss?

The whole system makes no sense. You should get increasing amount of crests per m+ key and type of crest and no depleted key or lower crests for finishing. Can you imagine every time you wiped on a raid boss you depleted that boss and had to beat the last one again to get another attempt?

Dispel Frozen Binds (big circle that roots and does ticking damage)

Make sure you’re standing away from everyone. Healer can focus on healing and you don’t have to stop DPSing. You don’t need Fel Hunter for guy down below - he dies in 2 or 3 globals.