4 realms - Divided by player type?

There are plenty of empty Vanilla and WotLK servers for you to choose from.

Imagine being this dumb?

I wouldn’t presume to speculate about your intelligence.

Layers make even megaservers look dead. Megaservers have no server community. They’re just bad.

It’s fine, I rather not engage in conversation with you too. The tone you use to diminish people shows your lack of empathy and your true nature as a forum troll.


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They’re far better than a dead server.

Name calling is inappropriate.

Please, let us keep the forums civil.

When a day or two into this people start raging on the forums about their friends server being faction locked, I won’t bother to remind people that one server with War Mode would have been the better option for creating faction balanced PvP in SoD.

Also, I’ll throw in that sharding would be better than layering for SoD PvP so you can faction balance Ashenvale specifically apart from the rest of the continent. This could especially be true since a lot more Horde afk in Kalimdor where most Alliance are afking in EK.

Playing on Defias Pilager when HC was still popular, I’d say some zones were empty and others were massively overcrowded to the point it was annoying to play in them with too many players. This is another reason sharding per zone is better than continent wide layering.

Megaservers suck.


I think the players would quit before they become the minority faction and get camped.


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Never thought I’d say sharding is a good thing, but it’s a valid point. You know what’s even better? One, continuous world not broken up into pieces. I’ve grown to hate layering. I’d rather have a world full of players. Oh no, you might need to group to quest? It’s a freaking mmorpg. Players should feel compelled to group.

I just don’t think the anti-layering/sharding position is justifiable when you consider the logistics and number of players involved. Having one server instead of 20+ means you don’t have to deal with the drama and nightmare of people being on dead servers and some servers having hour long login queues. Then you have people demanding mergers/realm linking and free transfers for months, many quitting before the problem is possibly eventually dealt with.

There’s no solution to those issues if you stick everyone into one instance of the world per-server and then cap the population at a lower number. Letting too many onto one server at once without layering/sharding just makes for a miserable experience like waiting in lines at Disney World. We also may be dealing with hundreds of thousands of players trying it at launch and a quick massive drop off afterwards. That just wouldn’t be reasonably manageable with oldschool servers without layering or sharding.

You also end up splitting up friend groups as many people have multiple groups that play WoW that won’t all coordinate onto one server if there’s dozens of servers.

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I don’t understand this post. You think a single megaserver has less queues than having multiple servers? Hint: layers doesn’t reduce queues. And they create the appearance of a dead server anyway. So what if there’s more players if you can’t see or interact with them? They might as well not be there.

I hated layers when they first announced them. Then I considered them a necessary evil. Now I just hate them. For a couple reasons. First, remember when Blizz promised layers would be gone forever 4 years ago? Yet they still exist in Wrath. So…they lied about that. I have no faith in them to ‘do it right’. And eliminate layers when they’re not necessary. And secondly, how poorly they executed layers on Hardcore. Talk about an excessive amount of layers. DP Horde is an empty, dead world. The sad thing is…it’s not. There’s tons of players. But thanks to layers it looks like a void. Alliance is more populated, but still nowhere near where it should be (or would be) without layers.

I simply detest megaservers and the reliance on layers. You end up with servers who have zero server community. Everyone is a stranger. You’ll have people layer hopping all over, abusing their functionality. There will be endless ‘invite to layer x,y,z’ spam in all the channels. You may have some really cool stuff going on in a layer. And you’re stuck on another one twiddling your thumbs, completely unaware of what’s going on. It’s…not natural. It’s not Vanilla. I still look at it as the world being at the center of the game. That dies with this kind of design.

What they’ve done is ensure the RP PVP realm is the mega server. It’s the only PVP realm that people can plan on right now to roll on. So that’s what they’re doing.

You’re entirely wrong here.

When you don’t use layering or sharding you cap the server population that can login far below what’s technically possible to not ruin the player experience.

Many players flock to the popular servers and they end up with very long queues. If you don’t understand this, you didn’t play real vanilla on a high pop server.

IE: early expansions Illidan had a multi-hour login queue at peak times, but despite still having a population of tens of thousands of players (wow progress says 32k, over 10k more than the entirety of all era combined), it no longer ever has a login queue because they just split players into shards now. They’d never let that many people login at once if there wasn’t sharding and we were all stuck in one instance of the world.

Explain in your typical weirdo partyrock logic lol.

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Adding this stalker to the ignore list – I see it’s a hidden profile. That’s what they do to try to prevent people from muting them. But it’s easy to bypass by using your own profile. FYI for others to know.

Stalker? I looked at a thread and saw a familiar name who happens to always have awful opinions.

What a weirdo, enjoy your RP server dude.

Ever notice how its the RP players who love to be incredibly wrong, and when they get called out on anything they melt, squirm, and mute? Funny.


“Many players flock to the popular servers.”

As opposed to only having one server option?

You’re making a leap from going from 1-2 megaservers to 20 empty servers. You know there’s a middle ground. But like usual Blizz takes the easy route, to the detriment of the experience.

Also, remember in early Wrath Classic when there was a Blue post about how “We’re putting an end to mega-servers!” :lying_face: