Seeing as Hardcore only needs 2 server, 4 realms should be ok.
It makes my choice easy though since I hate PvP realms.
lol 2 pvp realms, one is definatly going to be horde dominant and the other will be alliance dominant, they definatly shot their foot this time.
They are planning on capping faction numbers so its close to 50/50 though so maybe not.
Don’t they have a scheme to combat unbalanced servers?
One for normal folks and one for streamers
I’d like an additional normal server so we don’t get stuck on the streamer one please.
yep as expected the addition of a third tab which showcases the SoD realms which we talked about in another thread. Glad you posted the link to verify this, thanks,.
I don’t stream, but I’m just curious. I keep seeing this brought up, why doesn’t anyone want to be on the same server as the streamers?
Usually with their army en masse they take the things that are supposed to be unique and trivialize them without much work, if you want to be a Scarab Lord you better be in the streamers’ circle.
Their followers are also unhealthy for the game, as usually they play because of fomo and become pretty detrimental when they leave servers unbalanced and empty.
It’s less about the streamer themselves and more about their fans. Even chill and friendly streamers tend to draw some horribly rabid fans that will just make things insufferable for everyone else
Since we’ve yet to see it in action… I’m going to be skeptical unless they go full blown Aion on it (at it’s launch, I don’t know if they removed it later) and hard throttle it. 50/50 would be great, 55/45 is still good, 60/40 starts to get eyebrow raising, 70/30 is see ya.
The biggest point is that, there absolutely wont be a streamer PvE server LOL…
What kind of 5 viewer streamer would play PvE… not enough for it to impact a server.
Dodging streamers on a PvE server is like saying you want to avoid the ocean while in a desert because youre afraid of sharks.
Dang, had no idea. Good to know though lol.
I’m here to start the “Please Add an RP-PVE Server” movement! XD
It’s not the streamers themselves, it’s their minions. They’ve been some of the rudest, jerk players I’ve encountered in WoW. Not the sort of players I like to hang with.
Yes please!
This is going to be a complete disaster.
As soon as Asmongold says “I am playing on Server X, Y Faction”, instantly, that faction will lock up because at least a couple dozen thousand people will be creating a hero in his faction. Not even his friends will be able to create there. So, what is gonna happen? The server will fill with horde players on the other side, that actually play the game, instead of a bunch of low level characters that just followed Asmongold for the laughs. That means alliance will be destroyed.
And I am only talking about one influencer.
RP = Goldshire. It has been like that since I started playing two decades ago. That means that server will also have a lot of alliance players that doesn’t really play the game but “have fun around”. So even if the server is balanced in numbers, the horde side will have more “Real Players” and again, alliance will be destroyed.
Does anyone want to set a timer on “how long it will take before influencers go into youtube complaining they could not get in the realm they wanted because of faction lock?”
I am not blaming anyone here. I am just being realistic. The safest way to make sure you get to play where you want is by, as soon as the servers open, create one character in each faction on each server. And your friends should do the same.
I know this will backfire. All I am hoping is that people don’t create multiple characters so that can mess up the algo so when they delete they unlock slots for other people.
Oh Blizzard… How hard would be to accept that we live in 2023, not in the 2000’s anymore, and talk with the influencers beforehand?
We don’t even know which server is gonna be US East and which are gonna be US West.
Goodjob guys.
All of this secretive junk may make the situation worse.
The RP-PvP or RP-PvE realms are pointless as this is the season of discovery… and it would not last long enough to establish a firm hold on the world in general. So I doubt a RP-PvE will be added.