Good, good. Rp-pvp is based in the EST glad to hear. Can’t wait to get things popping off in wpvp once 25.
Unless i’m reading this wrong and i apologize if i am, but the faction lock is exclusive for the pvp servers and not the pve, so if streamers go pve, its not going to affect faction balance to the degree you’re worrying about. But if you’re only talking about pvp realms then you are absolutely right.
We already have an RP-PvP server set to go. What makes you think that RP can’t happen just because it’s a season server? You have a ton of players who play for many different reasons.
RP may be pointless to you and those who focus on end game, but it’s important to others.
One PvE server is the best news so far.
Also, streamers and their groupies will go to the PvP server for those sweet player-held tournaments. They’re not going to bother rolling a PvE server that doesn’t have Ziqo, Snutz, Pshero and the rest of the big name PvPers.
Is there any way to to telll what timezone those servers are in?
Most streamers will go for PVP, for sure. I wonder why the RP server is PVP… the Goldshire factor is real when it comes to RP.
I’m just popping some corn and getting ready to laugh.
Would you rather have a RP-PvP hardcore? winner takes all, last man standing sort of thing
i’m upset there is only one pve realm, why not RP-PvE? The que time to get into the single full pve realm is going to be insane.
What are you on about? We’re discussing SoM servers.
At least on Rp-pvp servers for the last 16 years has been the strongest community for wpvp, rivalries & unique rp guild bases around Azeroth etc with locations of a guilds hideout for others to pvp or host events for fights or other rp related stories with a map with pins on the personal wow server forums. Anyone from ED server from the old days of retail can most likely confirm this.
Also when a player is getting ganked that’s apart of a guild you can most likely bet your money they will be asking for help if people are griefing etc to get guild help to teach em a lesson.
Prime example of rp is a guild packed with a singular race like dwarves or gnomes show up screaming in /yell gnome or dwarven sayings laying out justice to the lands.
season of discovery is the perfect time to have rp servers, being able to approach the old storylines along with new ones from a brand new perspective with all the new…well, discoveries
very sorry I brought this up. As these are just temp services testing the waters before they implement Cataclysm.
Stopped reading here.
I don’t RP, but I know that’s nonsense.
Smalls Clan ftw!
Makes it easy to choose a server and knowing it won’t die. Unless, of course, Blizz freaks out and adds a bunch more servers.
I’d rather have a hundred layers than a dead server.
They plan on some form of balancing act of alliance and horde numbers. I can see a scenario where
Server A has 60% alliance
Server B has 45% alliance
Server A will lock out alliance creation till it’s corrected to say 55%.
Assuming players want to stay as alliance
This will force alliance players who want to be on Server A to migrate to Server B making server B equal out or possibly grow more Alliance heavy until it hits a 60/40 threshold. Unless the players wait till server A unlocks allowing them to create on that server.
Point is keeping server balance and not allowing transfers, or possibly making players consider going Horde or Alliance to rebalance the server. If they want in right now. Only players who could absolutely have no choice are paladins or shamans. Everyone else could just switch factions.
Hopefully this does work as intended and people aren’t stuck waiting for both servers to rebalance. Meaning both servers A and B are at a 60/40 impass of the exact same faction imbalance. Potentially leaving shaman/paladin players having to roll something else.
This situation could be a big problem. But I personally don’t foresee it. I do see a scenario where Server A is 60/40 and Server B is 45/55. And this is a great scenario for PvP. Hopefully it blends and breaks this way.
If not blizzard I assume will then be forced to open a Server C.
With this said you cannot allow server transfers. So servers don’t die as fast or stay healthy.
I love people that “Stop reading midway, even thou they don’t know nothing about the subject, and still manage to have a negative opinion about what they did not finish reading”.
I won’t bother explaining my perspective, since I already wrote about it and you just did not bother to read.
Wonder if the pve is east or west. Someone is getting hosed.
This is going to be a damn disaster.
Absolutely disgusting Blizzard.
No need.
You showed that you don’t know what you’re talking about.