4 months to reach revered with The Enlightened

I only started playing last week

“I’m so lazy but want the same rewards as everyone else!!!”

You know it was the same with 9.1 and worse for 9.0 where there wasn’t a weekly quest to be done. This is WoW, grinding WQ’s, dailies, or both has been our bread and butter since I don’t know, about BC maybe.

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I hit revered this last week, just doing my campaign quest and me dailies through the day. Seemed shorter than usual, but hey, could just be me.

so you have 30 days of game time then.

4 months?
Lmao, I play maybe an hour a day and I’m already revered.
This is the easiest rep grind they’ve ever put in the game and you want to cry about it :rofl:
Don’t get upset about not making progress because you’re not doing the content.
That’s 100% your fault.


look at all these wow players that have been conditioned to timegated daily chore work. They love it LOL

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Yeah, almost like the only thing they are good at is logging to do 15 min of WQ’s.

Eh, I have been doing nosy timegating dailies since wrath, it’s just a part of this game at this point. If they are timegating content, then I am against but if it’s just dailies or rep than it’s really not a big deal.

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I have 300 more to revered

Doing repetitive daily stuff is called grinding. We want gaming not grinding !

I have played since BC, and legion was the first time i had to grind secondary systems for secondary power systems.

Before that it was just gear.

Oh noes you have to play the game. You people complaining of rep grinding obviously weren’t playing in BC. You had to grind rep to open heroics. You had to attune to raids. Oh noes it was and is called playing the game…

If they didn’t have some kind of “time gate” people would rush and do everything then complain even more then now there is nothing to do

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That’s just the way of MMO’s.
Go play a lobby game if you don’t like it.

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posting in a ragemode thread

Assuming your math is correct… do wq.

They don’t take very long and they give you a lot of rep. I’m not trying to be a smart alec but if you do 0 things you’re going to get 0 rep.

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Wow never use to be like this, and yea lots of people are playing different games

“For those that don’t play”

OP you’re not a sensible person, right? You at least own that about yourself I hope.

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I hit revered in roughly 3 weeks. It can’t be that difficult.

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wow used to never be like what? having to grind reps? ummm weve always had to grind reps, since the beggining. almost every aspect of this game has always been a grind. im really trying to figure out what youre referring to when you say wow didnt use to be like this lol


Not everyone is hardcore

Some of us only play an hour or so on weekends