4 months to reach revered with The Enlightened

The OP was talking about rep though, we always had to grind out rep since the beginning. But yea I agree about that secondary power systems.

I thought you quit?

I play an hour or so every day of the week and got too revered, I don’t even consider that to be hardcore. There are only 3 world quests up on any given day in that zone too so it’s already slow even without campaign + Patterns quest. But even so, it doesn’t seem that bad to me.

Well, shoot.

I got to revered over the weekend. Now what am I gonna do for the next three months?

Dangit it’s you… atleast get your character to max lvl pls.

Not true at all, i have pvped since WOTLK and i dont remember being forced to grind rep or any other daily pve system in order to pvp/get maxed out pvp gear.

Name one, because if we always had to do it before legion it would be good to be reminded.

If you don’t do the content available to speed the process up thats on you. Nor blizzard.

Yes it was. BC you had to grind rep just to get heroic keys. Then there was attunements. And rep turn in everywhere.

There has always been rep grinding.

What rep are you having to grind to get maxed out pvp gear?
Do you just make stuff up as you go?
Or do you have a script you follow?