4 months to reach revered with The Enlightened

They gave you 3 wq’s to do a day. That’s it. Like 10 min…

That’s on you… If you want the rep then go get it.

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Op exaggerating, but so are the people who are revered already.

Only dailies and few rares and treasures lol. You guys know you killed a lot of rares and open alot of treasures.

nope. /10 ch

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Basically something taking a lot of time daily.
3 WQ’s are 15… 20 min max, before flying.

Except the Silver Covenant Rep was useless. Aside from some flavor items, no player power was ever tied to that rep.

They’re trying to milk subs by making their own content irrelevant in a matter of weeks? K.

Well, if it makes anyone feel better, I’m with two weeks of being exalted with the Hydraxian Waterlords. That’s taken a tad longer than 4 months…


I’m not quite to revered but I started the zone a week late.

I’ve only done the dailies and world quests when I am working on the weekly quest, otherwise I don’t spend that much time in ZM. So maybe two days a week? I am like 1k rep away from revered.

It will take four months for you to reach revered if that’s how long you make it take. If someone starts late, logic dictates they will reach revered later. If someone doesn’t work at every day or at least in the most efficient way for them, then they will get it when they get it.

It’s really as simple as that.

By the way, world quests offer reputation and the dailies do not.

ALSO – for those “complaining” and/or just wanting to address the issue, because there are so many people that are Rev now…

CONTRACTS are available for this Rep.

So if you want to be the first in your guild to hit Exalted, or just get to/catch up on getting to Rev, you can now get a Contract to help with that.


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yeah nah yeah nah mate, not doing that nonsense. To 10.0!

pre-nerf Wintersaber Trainers

it’s very pathetic.

It doesn’t take 3 months if you farm rares and do the 3 wqs daily

Strange arguement, when so many of us are already revered, in 4 weeks.

Im happy with the belt, i’m barely finishing the weekly quest.

He’s exaggerating extremely. I’m already revered.


And can we talk you into every other week? This is going to be a long tier.

This stretch is pretty embarrassing, even by Ragemode standards.

1% per treasure and rare. Which will take MUCH more playing than the world quests will.