4 months to reach revered with The Enlightened

Rares, or loot stuff? I don’t know. The most efficient way is just picking it up then doing the 3 world quests daily.

Haven’t done the dailies actually.

well if he isn’t he is wasting huge amounts of time killing all the rares and looting chests each day and that is far more of a grind than doing 20 minutes of dailies and WQ for 2 days plus the world boss.

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Especially since no WQ takes longer than 5-7 mins… okay, maybe the one where you have to capture the birds if you are competing with others.

No Rayzens I just don’t care enough to do something in a game for no reason if I’m not enjoying it. I know this may be hard for an mmorpg addict to understand, but none of this matters at all. They make you jump through hoops over and over again for rewards that are meaningless. The game itself is largely meaningless, and when they add so many chores to them, as is typical of mmorpg’s, it becomes stale and boring after years and years of doing the same thing over again.

Nothing in this game matters at all. All of it means absolutely nothing at all. All of it is designed to keep you feeling like you ‘need’ to keep logging in but in truth you don’t. It is designed to make you feel like you wasted your time, and you’ll lose everything if you stop but honestly it’s not important.

A lot of words for saying you want something while giving below minimum.
a.k.a you’re lazy and entitled.


No idea how you did the math to get 4 months?!

I stared day 1, only did dailies/WQ and rares that I happen to walk past.

A quick 15 min a day and I’m already 2k into revered…not even a month since launch.

The dailies don’t grant rep, the world quests do. Normally the 3 wqs can take like…20 mins.

The dailies do grant Cyphers, doing the 3 adds like 15 minutes maybe?

If you have flying all this maybe takes 20 minutes a day. Is this too much timegating?

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Pffft! Only took me until the end of WoD to get it…

So three dailies is a grind now?

Another Sunday Ragemode thread. :roll_eyes:


It wouldn’t feel like Sunday without one.

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you get like 100 rep for killing raid bosses.

I barely put any effort into rep and I’m 9/12k to revered.


4 months? Im 8k of 12k and dont do wqs every day and i was on vacation for a week. Also dailies dont give you rep.

Not sure where you got 4 months but you’re like super wrong.

It will take 4 months… if you take 3 months off.

I do the WQs every day; and I kill whatever Rares comes up while I’m doing those WQs. I might do 1-2 more depending on my mood, but at only 10 rep per, it’s not a big deal.

I also got sick last week and didn’t play for 4 days. Four entire days of ZERO rep.

And I’m 4k/ 21k into Revered.

If you’re not Revered at this point, you’re not trying. And it’s only been 3 weeks.

Three WQs per day is such hard work. :roll_eyes: I got to revered in 3 weeks by just playing the game. All you ever do is complain about having to play the game.

Yeah, I have skipped doing the zones several days and I am like 2k from revered.

They just blatantly want to extend that 15 per month sub fee. If they thought they could raise the sub fee to 19.99 in the US and get away with it they would there is no doubt in my mind. They are milking the cash from the player base that did not flee Shadowlands.

That all depends on your definition of grinding

I’m assuming your definition of grinding is along the lines of killing the same mobs over and over like you would do for Bloodsail rep?

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Yes. You otherwise engage in the game by doing the world quests or buy a contract and do any world quests in shadowlands.

Do content - get rep. You even get rep in the raid.

i just flag all your posts as trolling if I ever get to one by the “clickbait” title