4 months to reach revered with The Enlightened

You know what, I never thought about it before but 4 months isn’t the longest time I’ve spent working on a rep since I do have Hydraxian Waterlords at exalted lol, though if you farm MC mog you could get that naturally.

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“Grind Dailies”. Mate, all there is is 10 mins worth of world quests; I barely even rare farmed and I’m 3k into Revered


Well, it does make sense that you’re behind on rep if you don’t do the things that award rep.


If were talking rep grinds… heres a word that will make you curl up in a fetal position… Netherwing.


I’ve done it but I don’t really remember it, maybe it’s one of those things where you repress a traumatic memory :laughing:

the fact that there is only 3 dailies up each day 2 on same timer and 3rd offset by a bit. means it takes at most 36 mins to do, and thats being a distracted cat that stops to AH every other mob kill.

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You’re gating yourself.
Imagine not doing 3 WQ’s per day then crying cause you don’t get stuff early enough.

Put some effort in, it’s the minimum.
Why should Blizz reward you for being lazy?

Don’t answer that, i know you’re entitled.


Black Prince rep from Pandaria would like a word, that takes over two years if you didn’t play during that expansion.

Hydraxian Waterlords would like a word, it takes something like 20 weeks.

Bloodsail factions would like several words.

There are toooons more time gates rep friends then Enlightened. I wouldn’t even call this one a grind honestly. It’s a few WQs a day to keep pretty much up to speed.


Play humans. Enjoy their Diplomacy trait.

I’m literally partway through Revered already. The patch has been out a month.

Exaggerate much?


Start grinding…I mean keep waiting

Weren’t you quitting like 6 of your complaint threads ago ?


After doing up to the current part of the campaign, the bi weekly, and some dailies I was up to 2500 into friendly to honored. I don’t feel like grinding this out either so I probably won’t. I think the rep gimmick in old mmo’s like this isn’t fun and I’ve been doing it for years now so I’ll prob just not do it at all.

I got revered the other day and I’ve only done the 3 daily world quests.

Idk why they stuck conduits behind rep grinds.

:rage: :rage: :rage: :rage: :rage:

And I’m already Revered. Sounds like a “you” problem.

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how can you do the pattern quests without doing the dailes or wq?


Doing 3 WQ’s per day isn’t grinding, you’re just lazy to take 15 minutes and do them.

He’s most likely lying to get attention, tbh.


Man these forums have so many people who rage hard core about this game for literal years on end.

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So you don’t do the things that give you rep and then complain it takes too long


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