4+ Hours Queue Time --- Bring Layers Back!

Deep down he knows this


Yes whitemane is the 2nd most populated server , and it’s not feralina with streamers just us degenerates and we have some of the best guilds in NA

This is true.

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<3 this is beyond the true

Why should the majority of the playerbase which doesn’t get to raid have empathy for the privileged?

dude… shut up

It’s your choice not to raid there is a pug bwl every 2 hrs on whitemane that will full clear

Dude, no. Zero servers had queues before Covid. Aside from that, you are mocking someone encountering a problem because it has no effect on you. The solution would also have no effect on you.

Whitemane had queues b4 covid but nice try bud

Where are you getting this information from? How do you know the majority of the playerbase doesn’t raid? If I log in to Org, and check out any level 60 character, chances are they have some sort of ZG, MC, BWL gear.

The obvious problem with your statement is that everyone is affected by queues, not just raiders.

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I was responding to a “teh poor raiders” comment. Try to keep context in mind.

Let’s just have 1 layered mega server!

If you arent raiding on whitemane, thats your own decision. We have full clear pugs for MC, BWL, and ZG running constantly, all hours of the day, every day of the week.

Please post a link to Blizzard content stating the majority of Classic WoW players don’t raid.

Maybe you misread my initial comment. I mentioned nothing about “poor raiders”… Try to keep context in mind.

Also, if you’re concerned about 1 server, here is the full server list. You can click each individual server for tallies on a specific realm. All data is again, pulled from warcraftlogs.


let me guess, global warming is a hoax too?

So no citation?

He’s probably a flat earther too

im actually speechless. ive never seen someone try so hard to be so incredibly wrong.


It’s pretty simple kiddos, just provide a citation and this goes away.