4+ Hours Queue Time --- Bring Layers Back!

I personally thought after you provided the data he’d be like “Oh I’m actually wrong sorry” - but then he responded to you with garbage 4-5x and it refreshed my memory that we’re in General Discussion forum Hell.

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If I’m wrong, I’m wrong. It doesn’t bother me.

However, nothing on that website says “these are raid logs; this is how many people are raiding”. It just shows class breakdowns.

I just don’t swallow BS without a good reason. So give me the reason.

i didnt know i could facepalm this hard.

it literally says “Population of active raiders according to WarcraftLogs”

How do you cross the street most of the time…man…

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Oh I know but maybe if you provide “citation” because he doesn’t Know how to look it up. Or he will just keep playing dumb.

Okay now we’re getting somewhere. You’re clearly more intelligent and mature than the others so we can actually talk. Where does it say that?

literally… on the server page i linked to you.

lets link it again.


Excuse me, adults are talking now.

you realize simply admitting you were mistaken would have been far less embarrassing for you than whatever… this is?

Why would I be embarrassed? Being wrong doesn’t bother me. Having my errors pointed out only makes me better.

Are you stupid it says on that page “as per Warcraft logs population of active raiders” omfg

Look dude, if you want to be an adult then you should probably use some basic adult skills, like reading. I’m assuming you can read, since you’re on these forums. Open the link, use your eyes and your reading skills to interpret the letters and numbers on the page in front of you and… presto. This whole ridiculous back and forth could have easily been avoided.

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Okay so I guess you’re not as intelligent and mature as I originally thought.

Hey Thunder, provide citation that “majority of players don’t raid”. I’ll wait for it :laughing:


You are literally no reading the page it says it on there “Population of active raider as per WarcraftLogs” you need to just read it’s not that hard

Finally he stopped replying with dumb comments.

Pay a monthly sub so you can play your account 2 days a week without a que! Awesome

Bring layers back.

Queue is already broaching an hour
bring back layers
the queue will climb drastically again and this will just only aggravate people