At 8:45pm, it ways “Whitemane is Full. Position in Queue is: 3014. Estimated time: 246 min”. You should really bring layers Back!!!
Whoever made the initial decision of removing layers, I know it’s kind of bad leadership & embarrassing at office, need admit the mistake and bring layers back.
Or, y’know, go to those servers that don’t have queues. Quit crying for Daddy Bliz to fix all the problems caused by players choosing to flood a couple servers, and then choosing to stay, even when Bliz was literally begging people to go and transfer off. You chose this, live with it.
Or transfer.
Transfer to another server is not easy.
The best way to transfer is transferring together with your whole guild. It is hard to convince 40+ people to do this. If you are not the guild leader, this is almost impossible. Some people have time to log in before 4pm. Thus the pain of waiting is less than the pain of transferring.
The worst way to transfer is transferring alone. (a) DKP, EPGP …all gone (b) built team bonding / relationships … all gone
Then pick 3: convince as many of your friends to transfer with you as you can. DKP doesn’t mean crap when you can’t get into the raid because of a queue, does it?
Ah yes, it’s my fault blizz originally only had around 8 servers to pick from and their inept handling of Classic has led us to where we are now.
Ignore the fact myself and most other are in guilds, have a reputation, have been ranking, and generally just progressing on our servers since Day 1, we should just PAY more money to transfer to other servers and restart.
God you must be dense
none of that matters because this is wow classic, not easy mode weenie hut jr wow this is classic wow.
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layers dont belong in wow classic. they never did and stop continuing on with the assumption everyone wants this because nobody except a few confused people who hate this game want layering in it
Don’t open your mouth if you don’t have an actual vested stake on a mega server in classic
If I were Blizzard why would I want to bring back layers when literally every server was filled with nonsense like:
“Invite layer 2 for nef buff”
“Alliance ganked me INVITE LAYER 2 ASAP.”
“Is Ony buff going out layer 1? Inv”
“This zone is full I’m trying to farm invite layer 2.”
The players themselves showed Blizzard why layering is a horrible idea rife with exploitation and totally kills the spirit of WoW classic.
It’s just better to keep the queue and let players decide whether they should stay or not.
I love the stance people take that it’s somehow my fault that I have to sit in a queue because I picked a server that I felt would have the best chance at longevity into Naxx, provide a larger playerbase for guild recruitment, and play with my friends. Which, by the way, was 1 of 8 servers. Yeah, my bad guys.
“No Changes” argument died when the server cap was increased from 3k to 10k players. “No Changes” died when Blizzard implemented upgraded Naxx-equivalent PvP gear from ranking instead of the original items. Just 2 examples of many showing Classic =/= Vanilla. This is nowhere close to Vanilla WoW, and if you think so, you’re delusional.
I get many people lack empathy, and enjoy seeing others suffer for trying to enjoy a game they pay for, but making a suggestion like “Lol just convince 40 people to reroll on a new server,” forfeiting 8 months of character progression is the defintion of -100 IQ.
Yeah, screw all these people who didn’t have queues and then Covid hit and they didn’t spend 25 bucks on transferring.
What idiots!!1!!eleven.
honestly, i just dont even respond to the “jUsT xFeR” trolls anymore. They are petty, spiteful children with nothing constructive to contribute to the conversation. If free and paid transfers worked, these problems would have been alleviated months ago. Instead, they have only worsened.
Steve, you’re making too much sense on these forums. Don’t you know that you and I are supposed to uproot our entire guilds and pay to go to Heartseeker as a punishment for playing on Herod.
The boosted Level 120 Retail Warlock commands this.
Her point is valid regardless of what server she plays on.
No its really not actually
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These types of close minded comments that show that you thought about the problem for all of 3 seconds instead of other reasons why people are some some servers really shows how simple you are
I don’t quite get how the cons of layering outweigh the cons of people not playing the game period.
When I try to logon in the evening and there is a 4 hour queue, I personally am not able to play 4 hours later. Try again the next day, same problem. 2 weeks of realizing I simply can’t play with my friends/guild leads to canceling the subscription (canceled the last time queues were like this).
Being told “pick a new server” or “just live with it” isn’t acceptable as we pay for this game monthly. “Just live with it” flies when beggars want to be choosers on free platforms.