3v3 MMR Nerfed? No one Qing?

The bulk of the developmental problems with this game. Pouring all their developmental resources into superfluous overcomplicated systems at the cost of the fundamentals of WoW (class design and content).
Classes and content.

Classes and content.


I know EXACTLY how you feel! I swear its 1 step forward and 2 steps back. The worst problem is getting put up against boosting trash. SOOOO annoying!

There you go. You are far smarter than most. :wink:

But, I wouldnā€™t place the blame on the ā€œhands-onā€ developers. This reeks of management.


it is wierd, i was just thinking about it and Iā€™m like everyone is crazy i still love this gameā€¦ and I do. But thereā€™s things that really also just kind of hit me like a ton of bricks.

I donā€™t do arenas anymore. I donā€™t have a reason for why, but I think itā€™s a handful of things. I canā€™t find a consistent team/partner. Getting better feels like bashing your head into a wall. All I mean is this game can be very complex at a high level and to learn in this fast meta isnā€™t easy. I could definitely do more to be better, but than Iā€™m not playing the game as much as Iā€™m review videos and such. Lastly people donā€™t take responsibility. For example, I donā€™t know how many dps run into a fight when Iā€™m mounting up and die in a few seconds. After the game they just leave or they ask why didnā€™t I healā€¦ Well I just put a shield on you, you thought that was enough to survive in a burst meta.

I enjoy RBGs, but it takes time to form groups, thereā€™s definitely walls at 1400 & 1600 with LFG. Itā€™s once again hard to find a consistent group. And than when you do find a good group you win 2 games play 200 MMR above your rating lose and half the team leaves.

Look at the issues above and tell me where most of the problems areā€¦ People. We as people suck and itā€™s even worse behind a keyboard. Thereā€™s things blizz needs to fix, but if the community was better, we 100% could make this game more enjoyable.

All that said, and I am still enjoying the game. I didnā€™t enjoy WW monk like I thought i would. Iā€™m taking a break from my priest as heā€™s hard stuck at 1600ish range and canā€™t better his gear. Iā€™m gearing a moonkin as Venth and itā€™s been enjoyable mostly. I canā€™t wait to get some RBGs in with him.

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So likeā€¦ did you actually do this? Cuz cr is still impossible to gain right now.

75% of the people getting r1 this season will have afkā€™d the last 4 months.

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How dumb do you have to be to think software engineering is easy?

Rating decay for 3k players would have fixed this and they already have the programming code for it.

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yep would be insanely easy. Oh well gratz all on sitful gladiator.


These two things are related.

What you did there - I seent it.

And I liked it.

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they 100% are related. I donā€™t have the stress of Arenas on me when Iā€™m playing, so I enjoy it more. RBGs, BGs, EBGs, and than my guild does a good job of organizing guild pvp events which are a blast. Last week our leader got with a horde group, and we created a search and destroy game. The horde gave us 3 horde targets, and we had take them out. it was a blast.


This sounds like youā€™re playing the game that WoW was meant to be. I salute you, sir.

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Where does this exist, there is about 3 of us who need to get off our server.

If your referring to me, and your looking to do horde world pvp events. one of the events we did against the horde was Tol Barad and we faced a horde community. The Streamer is CadiganTV on twitch. The community is Terran Empire. They seem to be super active, and you can watch the Tol Barad fight on his twitch.

If your alliance feel free to look at my guild and apply in game. Itā€™s a large guild with constant Bg groups and RBGs groups going most of the time, and our leader is trying to continue to do guild pvp events once a week.

Root cause is a society that would rather deal with everything but the actual problem because that brings up the issue of accountability, which canā€™t be a thing in an overtly feminine oriented society because the feminine doesnā€™t handle responsibility for its actions well.


No hard maths, but it ā€˜feelsā€™ from the games Iā€™ve been playing that mmr has been unnerfed. At 2.7-2.8 if two teams of the same mmr face each other the winner gains at least 90% of the points the loser team loses.

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^100% red pill truth!

Rating decay or riot.

We must crush the bourgeoisie between the millstones of taxation and inflation!
:fire: :crazy_face: :fire:

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ā€œShadowlands has seen tremendous participation in Arenaā€œ

Just for giggs, whatā€™s the old participation at now? (In 3s specifically)

Also, thereā€™s a certain topic that has been masterfully articulated in this section I donā€™t know how you missed it.


Hard times create strong men, strong men create good times, good times create weak men, and weak men create hard times.

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Just wana bump thisā€¦ the change didnā€™t work mmr is worse now than it was when you posted this.

Itā€™s killed retail pvp. A minor buff to mmr would be all it would take to scare the people sitting into queing which is all we need to re ignite the ladder.

A dead top end ladder negatively impacts all players.

As it stands top players are literally punished for queing their mains so they do one of 3 things.

-They donā€™t play at all (which a lot of them have done). Doesnā€™t really negatively impact anyone other than top players. But Iā€™d imagine you want people to play your game???

-They play their alts with other r1 players alts (This is what I do). Which really hurts players attempting to get their first glad. You have competitive long time players queing at 24-27 mmr which is where people getting their first glad should be. I really have no idea how someone is supposed to get their first time glad in this environment.

-They play their alts to boost for gold. Yea this would happen regardless but if they didnā€™t feel like they had r1 locked up i assure you they would be more focused on that then gold.

Thx for reading.