3/6 SHOULDNT Gain Rating

Its a simple concept, i just made a thread explaining it a little but ago


Need to link it then, skill capped did a video about it in Slands as well. To many people don’t understand it still even if you and I think it’s simple lol.

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It’s common to gain no rating or lose rating with 3 or 4 wins. You basically never lose rating with 3 wins at lower mmr brackets.

i need an ape tldr, you’re usin too many words

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Number go up except when it doesn’t.


but why tho

perhaps they should just show the cr on the line per round

edit: nvm i thought about it and the benefits are heavily outweighed by the potential negatives

Winning always good, losing always bad, the degree varies but it generally isn’t worth thinking about.

One of the present issues with shuffle is that it is an advantage to leave sometimes.


Im fine with winning 50/50 but when i went 4/6 and got no rating i had a bit of a mental snap, i just want something for my time, in rated i want my rating to go up if i win more than i lose, its not fun for the other person or myself to go 0-6 we shouldnt cross paths ideally.


3-3 while your cr and mmr are the same*** shouldn’t gain rating

Every other competetive game in the market gives you slight elo gain for neutral W/L sessions.

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Well its a participation bracket soooo

It depends on the games you won and the mmr of each of the teams during those games. You could lose 3 mmr games at your level and win the 3 games against higher mmr teams and gain significant rating. Likewise, you could go 5-1 or even 6-0 and gain 0 rating and even lose rating, or if your in placement games you can go 1-5 and gain rating aswell.

I know comprehension is hard for melee but rating is awarded per game not for the 6 games together.

i got negative rating for going 3/6. idk what your talking about, sad part is I was second and the better healer, and two of the game the best player afk’d 2 rounds while on my team.

m8 do you know how mmr works

enjoy getting one queue a day if they don’t give cr to healers for 3-3

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tbh DF is all about partis-s-s-ap-p-p-ation trophies so im fine with it :smiling_face: :smiling_face: :smiling_face:


To this guy MMR doesn’t exist so probably ignore him

And if I go 3/6 i shouldn’t lose 50 rating either.


4/6 doesn’t give rating either, why I quit solo from week 1 on. was losing rating with a 5/6 in solo back in SL. had 7 lobbies in a row week 1 with 5/6 and players quit. mind you that 7 lobbies took 5 hours.

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