Matchmaking Rating (MMR), Current Rating (CR), and You

Lately, there seems to have been a lot of confusion as to how MMR, CR, and the ladder structure of World of Warcraft’s Rated PVP systems.


Concept and Goals
The goal of Matchmaking Rating (MMR) is simple. Matchmaking Rating is subject to much heavier fluctuation than CR is for the purpose of separating players into brackets where they should generally only be fighting against opponents of similar capabilities. One important caveat to this concept is the existence of the Acceptable Match Margin. The longer someone sits in queue waiting for an opponent, the wider of an MMR range is looked at by the algorithm to find appropriate matchups. In the presence of extremely long queue times, it is possible that teams get paired together in a situation where the lower team/individual has an extremely low risk high reward situation, and an extremely high risk low reward situation for the higher team/individual. Additionally, matchmaking rating can accelerate and decelerate the gains and losses of CR with the ultimate goal of people ending up in a place where their CR and MMR are as close as possible with a 50% Win/Loss ratio.

Frequently Asked Questions

This is what I was talking about with long queue times and their effects on Risk/Reward. You are matched against someone which you are reasonably expected to defeat and it is not expected for them to defeat you. Your MMR/CR is significantly higher than the person who went 1-5. Someone who is at 2100 will not receive large point gains from someone who is 1700, but will experience some heavy loss. Paeticularly with RSS calculating rating from all 6 rounds at the end of the match, you didn’t necessarily gain 0 points for the wins, you probably went, for example, +5, +4, +4, +4, +4, and -21 which results in a Net 0.

Great question! At this time, it seems like the Rated Solo Shuffle Matchmaking Algorithm actively tries to avoid putting two of the same DPS specialization in the same Lobby. This does happen on rare occasions though due to extremely long queue times.

Simply put, their MMR is higher than yours. The goal of MMR and CR interaction is to place people at a rating where they continually go 1-1 for +10 and -10 respectively. Eventually, with enough games played, everyone should end up at a 50% Win Ratio.

Shut up Dozer.


finally a good post

MMR is all supposed to be complicated, its a chain of BULL$HT to cover up corruption… Its the BULL that truly binds us all together… If everyone knew the truth about inflation, and the endless war in east europe was just a tax laundering scheme, it would all fall apart. Just like PvP ratings, its a side hussle for Blizz Devs to make some cashiola, get the cut from the websites that sell the ratings. GLADIATOR SALE!!! ONlY 999.95, buy today. Streamer had average grades in highschool, normal family but drives a new hummer, house paid for in cash. Lonelyfans dot com haha

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Blizzard doesn’t need to get a cut from those websites because most carries are paid for using Gold that is sourced from WoW tokens that people pay $20 for. Blizzard pretty much takes the whole damn thing tf you talkin about a cut lol

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No its not, doing research on this I have talked to many high rated carrying players. They advertise in trade, X rating for Gold, you pst them, they ask you to talk in discord, thennn the RL money rub comes out. Blizz may not need the money as a corp no, but the average dev feeding his family, few thousand bucks a week side hussle for some info… To think all of these players know one another, and they know Devs personally as friends, to think they do not have similar goals, and interests. Its a multi million dollar industry on the side, follow the money.

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Are you ok? Are you smelling burnt toast?

Bump for those who keep making MMR CR threads

I mean it makes sense…but at the same time its frustrating as hell. I started the season off, doing pretty well, winning more then losing, was about to hit to 1600…then the wall. By no means am I some 2400 glad player, maybe just above average joe always trying to improve. Every game is Dh + healing evoker + two other melee + x other healer and myself. Every series feels nearly impossible with one healer being way above the other and a DH up my booty.

3-3 (0 points)
3-3 (0 points)
3-3 (0 points)
2-4 (minus 50+)
3-3 (0 points)
4-1…maybe a possible 5-1 but someone leaves.
3-3 (0 points)
2-4 (minus 50+)

This goes on over and over. I sadly get the zero points on the 3-3, I mean…yeah it makes sense, but those were some of the hardest games ive played in years, feels so defeating. I honestly havent gotten postive points since the first week.
Finally, light at the end of the tunnel, after quite a few games like these, crushing me…a 4-2 win. The score pops up…+0.


Not saying the system is broken, just venting…and feeling quite defeated.


This doesn’t change the fact that it’s a terrible system for RSS though. In 3vs3 and 2vs2 it makes sense since you can control who you queue with. This alone allows you to eliminate any greater rating/ skill discrepancies. In RSS? All bets are off. Play a squishy class that is reliant on a good healer? Good luck climbing when you get put into a lobby that is below your MMR and you need to go 4/6 (or 5/6) to not tank your MMR.

I just had a situation like that. 1680 MMR, average lobby MMR was something like 1580. Monk healer, 1315 CR, honor level 3. I don’t mean to crap on them, but they were really just terrible. Literally got blitzed every round we were on the same team since the monk both did not know how to play their class let alone heal properly. Ended each round with +80% mana and all abilites off CD.

Literally impossible to climb. When you look at Overwatch 2, there are the same issues. Blizzard have even acknowledge it themselves that the way their matchmaking works can give you a bronze tank in a plat match. Good luck winning when your tank is so new they keep going in alone and die every time until they abandon the match.

I would rather wait another 30 minutes than be put into these situations where I can literally only lose, even if I somehow manage to get 3/6.

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Bumping for those who are still confused

I’ve been harping at this concept for a long time now this is RSS’s major offender and why MRR on the surface works sure but when we get into the Knitty gritty this is it’s biggest problem and healers being more and more absent create a nasty catalyst for the mmr system. If they want improved aspects they need to disregard the mmr system.

Bumping to clear up another season’s worth of Week 1 MMR confusion.