3/6 SHOULDNT Gain Rating

Hmmm I was at 1350 at one point and I got into a game with people around 1280 to 1430 around that ball park. Won 4 out of my 6 games and got 70 points. I’ll take that late Christmas present thank you very much.

If the Yankees score 7 runs
And the Louisiana Balloons score 7 runs
Should the Yankees get a loss and the LA Balloons a win?

It does if you’re even or ahead on mmr.

Mr Pwague, what you’ve just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this thread is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.


man, this is why healers don’t play. this kind of response ,“3/6 shouldn’t get rating”
I had a solo queue the other day where whoever had one of the dps in their groups always lost the match. How is it fair on a healer even if doubling or quaddrippling healing to be punished because some melee bot saying how things should be


bc 3/6 shouldnt gain rating EVERY TIME

why should you gain rating for winning exactly as much as ur losing

mmr matters, and when u win half and lose half of your games at a higher mmr than your cr u ALREADY DO gain rating

that is legit how it already works

no u dont deserve even a singular point for going 3-3 when your mmr is equal or lower than your cr

sorry pal welcome to planet fact

ummm no it doesnt my guy, even a 5/6 might not give rating.

not it does’nt ive lost rating with a 5/6 with an even mmr. solo is a time dump

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If you earn $3 and had to spend $3 to get everyone on the train with everyone else but someone on your side cost for 50c per person to ride. Should you be penalised?

What does a train have to do with WoW arena my guy? :woman_facepalming:t2:

What a thing to cry about…

How do you not understand how MMR works ?

If you hold your own and go 3/6 in a match were the MMR is 1800, but your rating is 1100… Yea you should absolutely gain rating.

And that can be the only scenario you are talking about, because if MMR is = to current rating, then 3/6 doesn’t gain you any rating.

Why not? I did 3/6 because a healer was dog slit and got trained every game.

Tell me you don’t understand how rating works without telling me you don’t understand how rating works.

Every round will add or remove rating based on the average MMR, not CR, of each team against your MMR, not CR.
Your matchmaking rating is what matters, not your current rating. Because MMR fluctuates faster to place you against people of your skill and ensure fairer games while making sure you don’t just fly through the rating. You can lose rating going 3-3 if your MMR deems you are too high CR.

You obviously haven’t played enough games as a healer to see this as a problem. I’ve gone 3/3 when the average MMR is clearly higher than mine and gain 0 to 5 rating. How do you expect anyone to continue healing if that is the rating gains we receive.

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If you gain 0 rating from a 3/3 game, it’s because your CR is around your MMR and/or lower and/or you are facing a lower MMR healer and/or lost the rounds that mattered more because of average MMR of the DPSers.

There is the issue for healers specifically that with how few healers there are, being higher MMR means you will face lower MMR healer and the game expect you to win more rounds which isn’t realistic when Solo shuffle rounds are usually decided by the DPSers, not the healers.

I think this is overall true.
However I think there are a certain circumstances I think 3-3 can warrant rating.
If one healer in the match has 0 wins this means you lost every round on that healers team and it wasn’t just you who struggled with them, everyone matched on their team lost.
The variable there being they were a problem and deserve to lose rating. I think anyone in your match netting 0 wins already gives 3 win players rating depending on the MMR of the player and the lobby so this isn’t really a problem, more over just something I agree with.
Now a healer netting 3 wins is a little different. If no1 in the match is getting 0 wins and you split the lobby with most ppl at 3 wins I think yeah, no1 gaining rating makes sense, the only thing people really have a underlying problem with there is that the ques to get to that result just took too long, which I don’t disagree with but there isn’t just a magic solution to it. The population that participates determines the QOL of the que, and it’s not the best right now.


How could my mmr be higher than 1000, this is really the first time i’ve stepped into arena because of solo shuffle, my mmr should be nothing until i start playing more i thought it would start at 0

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No, a 5/6 will almost always yield very positive results unless ones mmr is in shambles. Byt hat I mean going 1-5 or 2-4 for 5 games in a row then getting low or moderate gains for finally pulling off a 5-1 or 6-0 against players that are like 500 points lower is something to be expected.

Yes because Walmart forgot to change their price tag

CR starts at 0, your MMR starts high to make sure you receive a lot of rating anytime you win so that you can reach your skill rating fast and to inflate the average rating.