3.126 million gold for account wide bank?


Haha i bet yall wish you were a 1 character andy like me now!

Tbf the average casual also doesn’t have 500 slots worth of reagents

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More interested in delves tbh. Wanted to be interested in warbands, and hoped they were going to work like a follower sytem where you could pick one to go out and do stuff with you like how you could use a follower in Legion. Account wide bank don’t need anyways.

Why do people do this? It sucks. It’s a typical Blizzard thing to do. Promise things then nerf them into grindy hell to keep people gold farming instead of having fun.

Stop apologizing for their mistakes by downplaying them. It hurts the game.

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I am super poor in the world of warcraft it seems

yeah, its definitely not something for everyone.
I like alts, personally, so its not a big deal on my end

no offense, but PLEASE dont make 100 threads on this.
Im not reading any more of them because seeing the ongoing behaviors with this company is getting more than irritating again.

This was supposed to be a fun, useful addition to the game.
Instead Ion turned it into another damned token $$$ generator.

thread muted

Going to throw my suggestion in this thread as well:

Tab 1: 1,000 gold
Tab 2: 25,000 gold
Tab 3: 100,000 gold
Tab 4: 200,000 gold also requires leveling 6 different classes to level 80.
Tab 5: 300,000 gold also requires leveling all classes to level 80.

Also, you get a 5% increase (up to 25%) for leveling up characters. So it wouldn’t be that bad to get them all up. And if you really care about the space, then you’ll have plenty of characters ready to go.

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Come on everyone this is Alpha, we all know it wont be this cheap when it hits live :smiley:

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I’m not even making anywhere close to that lol.

I guess I’m stopping at 3 tabs lol

3hr cool down for non racial users to acces it, no ty i don’t know if i will ever fill even 1 slot, and thanks to Blizz overcomplicating alting, i won’t even need this xD

I don’t think I’ve even filled up one normal bank slot on any of my characters people seem to keep a lot of garbage

Now the real question is, goes the cost lower if bought/paid for by a goblin character? I mean, in theory, our racial “Best Deals Anywhere” should take off…

Tab 1: 1k would be 950gold
Tab 2: 25k would be 20k
Tab 3: 100k would be 75k
Tab 4: 500k would be 400k
Tab 5 2.5mil would be 2mil

Hmm. Just a thought on this interesting Banking feature.

People don’t add gold to the game with the token, it just changes hands. Quests and vendors and drops create gold.

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im stopping at 2 tabs.

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Agreed, and anyone questioning it, I question if you’re even playing the game.

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No many of us are alt crazy players and kept many many mats and stuff on hand for our alts to use as they leveled up this was long before what we have now for leveling up.

I keep many personal guild banks cause I am a big time Pet owner and Pet seller…add in I have thousands of leveling stones for my pets…right now I am sitting on about 45,000+ Pet charms…I have been as high 66,000+ pet charms…

Granted there is a lot I can get rid of now but not before…just haven’t done it and last few months been in too much pain to sit up to play the game now…takes all I can just do pet battles and mining nodes and herbs to sell…

If I had to take a guess, I would expect a statement at some point, “we hear you, the cost of the final tab may be more than many can justify, so we are adding an option to unlock it for free, if you can get this difficult achievement”

Or something like that.

For me? I’ll keep using my banking addon to let me know where I have things stored in banking 4 bank guilds and just switch characters.

I bet they won’t allow Goblin discounts on this now…cause all that would mean is for everyone to just make a goblin character get it too major city send the gold to it and get the discount…like said I don’t see that happening at all.