3.126 million gold for account wide bank?

Placeholder amount. It’ll go live at launch for 11 million gold!

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The token doesn’t add gold to the economy.


We’ve already gone through that discussion above.

brb making a level 1. HELLO PLEASE SIGN MY GUILD CHARTER “cheapo warband bank lmao” ILL GIVE YOU 100G!

probably caviar stuffed with lobster and the finest kobe beef.

no, and no.

tokens don’t conjure gold, no matter how many times you tell yourself that.



People acting like they need every lick of bank space imaginable at a whim, first 3 tabs are all im ever gonna need, and the price is certainly reasonable

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All tokens are regionwide. The chances that no one in several countries will be buying a token with gold at any given time are slim. But it does apparently happen sometimes, there’s even a support article for it.

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Honestly, unlocking the tabs could be made more interesting and gameplay friendly by locking them behind content in the game rather than large sums of gold. I could see rewarding a tab for completing a high tier delve or for doing things with multiple characters in your warband being a better reward of these. Large sums of gold just makes for an unfun grind.

Gameplay achievement rewards would be a much better choice here.


That’s not how that works…

Link to your source. I could grind out 1 million a month if I was really dedicated, but that’s not fun.

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Oh geez, just when I think the developers cant stoop any lower they surprise me again and again. Finally they give us a great QOL thing that we could ALL use but make it so outrageously pricy that only the farmers, botters, and people who constantly milk this game can even afford. Yeah, real smart to reward the people who are ruining the game every day. Then they wonder why player numbers are declining? Get a clue Blizzard! I’m sure all the gold sellers will get rich from this!

Waaayyy too expensive, just a reaching for out wallets they know they’ll get people buying WoW tokens for this. That’s why they forced the horrible SLs legendary crafting system and the DF Fyr’alath craft on us. They know exactly what they’re doing. I’d have less of an issue with it if I felt like we weren’t being ripped on the product as a whole.

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So if we cant have all 5 tabs instantly, the entire feature is worthless?

I mean. Isn’t 3 tabs on its own pretty useful? If they only released 3 tabs at current prices people would be excited.


Yea let’s all buy into the whole gold sink crap when 99% of the gold in game was farmed using bots and sold VIA RMT to inflate the market and allow “auction house” moguls to manipulate markets of mass flooded goods also farmed by mostly bots.

Where the hell is the content for the normal people who haven’t used/exploited the massive system of bot farming? Most people aren’t going to have millions of gold.

It is most certainly fun and what a large majority of players enjoy doing hence so easy to farm millions weekly

Tell me you don’t know how the token system works without telling me you don’t know how the token system works.

Oh, I see. You’re just lying. The average casual is not playing the game 16 hours a day to earn gold they have little use for. But you’ve posted this same lie many times in the past, and never once have you been able to produce any data to support your claim.


No, most of the gold that exists in Retail came from either Garrisons or Legion’s mission tables. To pretend this isn’t the case is insanely ignorant when basically anyone could basically get 50k gold a week from a single level 3 Garrison with extremely minimal effort. WoD alone injected so much raw gold into the economy that we’re still feeling the effects of WoD’s inflation nearly a full decade later; that’s how bad it was.

Botted gold absolutely exists, make no mistake, but if you want to see “99% of the gold in game” being farmed by bots just look at any version of Classic, because the RMT and botting in that version of the game is rampant.