3.126 million gold for account wide bank?

Probably once you level 60 characters to max or something lol

At least I have no need for all the tabs since I only play this character.

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I know players that already have that done…

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Sad… but most likely true. Not surprised they haven’t gutted the Racial yet like they did with those pesky hoomans.

For TWW. They still probably will get it done but, it will have to be done next expansion first lol

Is this actually real? What a travesty. I didn’t get millions of gold by wasting it on nonsense like this and I won’t be once again.


Back before BfA went live…lots of folks had hoped that the Goblin discount would apply for the Mighty Long boi mount…but nope it wasn’t…

Same for me. I have one that I play and the rest are just banks or characters that I tried that sit by where the Christmas tree spawns every year. I get that for some having an army of alts makes the game fun. It’s not for me.

I just want compelling story that has me wanting to log in to play, not mandatory content that I’m forced into.

Last time I leveled any alts was in WoD when leveling in dungeons was at light speed. I never used them after and half of them I deleted. I only have a couple left at whatever level those were reduced to after the crunch. I’ve never touched them and am thinking of deleting them all lol.

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This is prices right now on Alpha ptr happening right now…they could stay that price or go up or go down…that is up too Blizzard…but most times when its listed at a price on PTR it usually makes it too Live realms.

Well, I’m sure i can live without it. I guess eventually when I get to 20m or something I should prob spend it on something, but it better be something more exciting than a bank tab lol.

I don’t plan on getting more then 3 tabs in this new bank system myself …I can easily afford all 5 but to me that is a waste…and I have 5 Personal Guild banks already.

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Snap… forgot about that. Seems like they’ve been gutting the racial by just not having it active on many “specific” vendors. Just doubled checked an seems only active on standard low level vendors like the Food/Drinks from Innkeepers in Racial Hubs and low level weapon sellers. Everything else has no discount.

Very sneaky, very sneaky indeed… Galley must of picked up a part time gig as a Dev as payback to the rest of the Bildgewater Gobbos.

The token does not add gold to the game. Somebody has to purchase the token in game using their gold. The player buying the token on the in game AH has to earn that gold somewhere in game.


Doesn’t work when I’m in a raiding group I enjoy

No, it isn’t a guaranteed sale. Another player has to buy it from the AH. If they don’t, then repost.

Nope, if you don’t like the cost don’t buy that one tab. It doesn’t hurt anyone or the game.

I don’t care what their decision ends up being on this matter, but you are blowing things out of proportion.

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How do you arrive at that figure?? I’m making maybe a quarter of that spending 2 hours of my 10-12 hours a week and I’m relying on 10 maxed garrisons and sanctums. Anything more would require a massive time sink. Most casuals aren’t going to come anywhere near that. :speak_no_evil::see_no_evil::hear_no_evil:

The tokens don’t add any gold to the game. Another player spends thier gold to buy your token to turn into gametime or blizzbucks. :hear_no_evil::see_no_evil::speak_no_evil:

This works per server, but not xrealm. I’m going to keep my server guildbanks but I’ll buy 3-4 tabs to be able to transfer mats/items xrealm. :speak_no_evil::see_no_evil::hear_no_evil:

I’ve never had a token returned to me.

All of them have sold on first post

Some sold in seconds, some took a few hours