3.126 million gold for account wide bank?

How? Most I can really get in a month is about 30k

It always sells immediately. Unusual for most listings. Hmm.

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Gold is still added to the game and is used to buy tokens. Regular players, bots… they all do it. and yes we’ve all done the grinding. But to say that no gold is added to the game because of the token is just wrong.

I’ll just adjust slightly. right now, I have to mail account bound stuff around, mainly gear, but a few other things too - just plopping it in a shared bank until its ready to be used - is going to be nice. still will be using vanity bank for the rest of it.

Welp I won’t be buying one either…I got enough alts and 5 Personal guild banks already now…not at 3+ million gold…that’s a waste…at least when I spent 5 Million I got a great looking mount the Long Boi.

i spose it depends on how you define the word.
IF it added something new and unique to the game that I cant find anywhere else, then maybe 5 million was a bargain…but literally sitting an AH character to mail stuff to or just dropping by an AH pretty much everywhere with engineering…well, just seems like a rip off when my garrisons have an AH right there too.

But yeah, I think they should have just let everyone who wanted to buy it, buy the damned thing. Idont personally want it if its over 500k or so…but lots still do.
They should put it back on a vendor and just leave it there.

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but… that’s not becasue of token. that’s because of all the first garrisons, then 2 more expansions worth of garrison replacements. you have world quests that award 500-1500 gold for a few minutes of play nowadays.


Not that everyoen would want to, but if you run a dozen alts on all of those 600+ gold quests in DF, you can make enough for a token or two pretty easy over the month.
Again…not that everyone would want to do that sort of thing

It doesn’t always sell immediately. My guildies and crafting customers have both told me that they’re waiting on their tokens to sell at times and that it has been up for an extended period of time. If you are trying to sell your token right now, where there are more people turning gold to money than money to gold, yeah it will sell quick. But at the start of a patch or expansion where the token price is low because there are a lot more people trying to turn money into gold, then it will take a while to sell.

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So does windwool cloth.

I haven’t even managed to get one alt through.

Garrisons, tables, exploiting that wasn’t rolled back, professions all did play a part. But they had to allow all of that to happen.

Those costs just have to be so almost nobody has all five on day 1, right?

I’d be fixing them to 1K/5K/25K/100K/500K


Getting at least one tab is worth though. Doesn’t it let you use it as a common pool for crafting and to swap certain BoA items? Pretty sure I read on there that you can share a Jeeves? That’s huge, that alone. You know how difficult it is to make a Jeeves on 4 engineer alts? It gets really expensive.

It was never listed as a Time Limited Mount and to this day I defend the player base that got pissed off with the removal of the mount from the Vendor…it should of never been removed…what wasn’t a hoax was fact blizzard did this removal to boost their token sales…no other gold drop mount has been removed from this game other then the Long Boi…all rest of high end gold mounts are still in game…even that 2 million gold spider …and the 1 million gold battle pet.


again, gold is added to the game because players want to buy things with that gold. it not created out of thin air - people have to grind for it. the problem started when those grinds started to award exponentially more gold for very little effort. and I say this as someone who absolutely took advantage if ridiculously easy and fast gold missions from garrisons.

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It does not. I wish it did but that is not the case. I’ve had tokens sell in an hour or two, while others took half a day. And none of that is an exaggeration.

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on any given day there about 6k-10k worth of WQ up.

on the low end you can make around 60k if you have 10 alts that can quest in DF and do the DF quests.

I don’t know when all the WQ reset, every day or 3 days, not sure, but it’s not hard to make gold in DF with nothing but questing and vendoring everything you get

When that NPC that is killed… and has that copper, silver or gold on it… Where does that come from? Thin air.

I only have 2 70s, the rest are barely 60. And I don’t have 10 alts.