3.126 million gold for account wide bank?

It’ll help with people hoarding gold, though. It’s a nice touch to make prices go up per tab instead of splitting those millions across all tabs equally.

I was about to scream how awful the whole system would be if I had to pay over 500k for a single tab.


ESO bank is just account wide. and if youre subbed you have a bottomless mats bag.
Figures Ion and crew would go looking to find a way to make this all a joke somehow.
I’ll wait till its a thing on live, but my guild banks do exactly what I need them to do.
I’ll just keep using them and where all of my characters in that guild can access my gold and 5 pages of crap in there.


i dont see how thats a big issue.
I put mats in a guild bank tab and when another character needs them they just go take them out.
I dont mind clicking more to move if it means NOT spending a million gold lol.


that… is not how token works. it doesn’t add gold to the system, it moves existing gold between players. someone had to have made the gold in game in order to buy token on AH. that gold is NOT created out of thin air.


In your dreams they might be …

in case y’all wondering how some of us got 5 or more accounts.
It’s cuz we wanted to do things like this.

we can start a new guild in a matter of of minutes and have a whole nother gbank in under an hour.

I mean, I do the same thing, but it will be nice to have one or 2 cheap warband tabs for those account bound items. should be plenty for that and those don’t cost THAT much

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Say WHAT? Are they insane?

It is true if no one buys it Blizz still covers it. Your link doesn’t dispute that. They aren’t gonna sell anything for real life money without the guarantee you get what you purchased. They can’t do that because it’d be fraud.

Depending on how many crafting toons you have, it can indeed become a serious issue. Certainly incredibly annoying. But that annoyance scales with how many crafting toons you have.

That being said, you are right that its certainly not worth the 3mill gold for the last 2 tabs. So I’ll just be getting the first 3 max.


Except when it’s not bought. I’ve bought the token off of the store, and sold it on the ah. It will sell no matter what because they can’t sell something without the guarantee of gold.

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Thread title kinda buries the lede. The bank and first few tabs are very affordable. It’s only the last tab that’s in the millions.

Probably most players won’t need more than 400 shared bank slots. But people are going around making it sound like that’s the base cost and I think that’s causing more outrage


have you ever had to wait for it to sell? it sells to a player. eventually.


The grinding for the gold certainly does add gold to the system. Someone has to raw farm stuff the stuff from somewhere… Doesn’t matter if you’re an AH baron earning your gold for the token. Gold is added to the system as an indirect result of purchases.

I literally believed the new thing coming was pretty much going to be like a guild bank just for one single account…and fREE to use. lmao.
My bad for falling for it again, lol.
I wont change what Im doing now for a single tab account wide bank because it is pointless to have TWO bank set ups for my characters.
If Ion has to turn everything into a huge gold sink he can stuff this one, I wont bother with it.


The Long Boi was no hoax at all…what was the hoax is all the made up lies about the Long Boi…like it was listed as a Limited Time mount with BfA when it wasn’t…that you could try to buy it on the BMAH when they removed it from vendors…but it only took over 2+ yrs for it it to finally show up again…that’s the hoax there…

No it sells always within seconds.

are you under impression that people wouldn’t be grinding gold if tokens didn’t exist?

grinding for gold is something that people have been doing throughout the existence of the game. what tokens did was allow people who would rather NOT grind - to stop grinding and just exchange RL money for gold - safely instead of buying it from shady gold sellers.


Not this much gold and if they were in a raid guild usually or saving up for their epic mount. It wasn’t the amount of gold that is around now.

Your token will sell if given enough time. You can’t cancel the auction. Eventually it will be at the front of the line and someone will buy it. We’re not at wow end of life in 2074 where no one is buying tokens with gold, so it never selling literally isn’t a concern. It will sell to another player.

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