3.126 million gold for account wide bank?

People can add gold to the game with the token, so you can have all the make believe sinks you want, it won’t help things.


5 tabs for 3 million? Does each tab have 600000 slots or something lol

I can get 30 slot bags on my server for like 30 gold each, I don’t see why buy this when I can just make another alt and send stuff to their inventory, their bags, their bank, and their personal guild bank. Not to mention you can keep unlimited items shuffling in mail if you shuffle it again every 30 days .


make a personal guild. Put ALL of your characters in it.
100% free of charge, lol.
I wont be extorted if thats the garbage they plan on with this account wide crap.


1st tab = 1k
2nd tab = 25k
3rd tab = 100k
4th tab = 500k
5th tab = 2.5mill :crazy_face:


That’s not how the token works. The token is just a medium of exchange. Every token that is bought with real money must be bought by another player with their gold.


I might buy the first and maybe even second tab, I think the fifth tab is a huge rip off though!

It’s a guaranteed sale. I’ve done it before.

how many tokens(at current price) to buy them all?
Haven’t logged in for a while so not sure what current price is.

around 10-13 I assume.

guessing around $200 USD for all the tabs then?

edit to add: I have just about 1.5 million on me now. So I wouldn’t need to buy very many tokens to get the rest. also assuming I’d even need to. Might get that much just playing

490 slots or 98 per tab

This is a joke, right? lol.
They cant be this sadistic and brazen.
i’ll believe it when it goes to live…and if it does I wont be using it…at all.


yep if no one buys it blizzard will buy it back within that time frame


For 2.5 million gold? I think it would be far cheaper to make a new alt on the server with 4x30 slot bags and inventory, make it vulpera if horde so their inventory is twice as big, bank and 7x30 slot bank bags, 30? slot reagent bag, 100+ slot reagent bank, personal guild bank even with that 7th tab that costs 10k.


lmao…so like many of us do…just use personal guilds/banks instead.


Oof I didn’t see the update, I thought it was a huge rip off for 490 slots for 2.5 million lol

A level 10 bank alt in their own guild and full bank and reagent bank is at least 500, maybe even 1000 with a full guild bank, for less than 100k


I can see people paying effectively infinite amounts for transmog if it’s rare or exclusive enough. This is like buying a large plastic box, harder to justify.

To be fair I don’t know how useful or not it will be.

AND… you can make new alts, load up their banks with bags, put those characters in the guild and have even more storage, even if its an extra step to get to the stuff.

Id rather rot in hades than play some extortion game with blizzard like that 5 million gold AH mount hoax before.
I’ll set an alt at the bank first. lol


It’s not. Since it’s 1st in 1st out and cannot be canceled, your token will eventually sell to another player because it will be first in line at some point, unless the entirety of your region stops converting gold to bnet balance. Blizzard will not buy/delete your token and give you the gold. It has to be another player.


you bring up a good point.

I’d like to see how useful it is in practice before I blow 3 million gold on it.

Not like I’m getting the AH mount, it’s just bank slots and a convenient way to send currencies to alts, that I may not even play.

There are certain significant disadvantages to the gbank approach:

  1. No “deposit all reagents” button (the warbands gets a "deposit all warbands items button).
  2. No account wide reagent access. You have to do the incredibly annoying reagent mail shuffle/gbank chest if its not on CD and transfer between toons.
  3. The ability to sort.
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