300k for 1 month? token prices

I can make $15 a lot faster/easier than 300k in game. 15 bucks is like one drive-thru meal these days.

Shes a gamer playing the game. Fishing for 14 hours doesnt make you a casual. You are incorrect.

If you do anything at that amount you arent a casual.


If they only play for 2 hours a day…yes.

What part of casual only defines time spent are you not understanding?

you dont get to define it son…stop pretending that you do.

CASUAL: relaxed and unconcerned


The part where you evidently dont own a dictionary. lol

if you fish 80 hours a week and dont care if you catch anything…son…you ARE casual


That’s not what casual means. A casual is someone who plays in a care free manor. It’s not necessarily someone who plays for a limited amount of time.

You can play the game all day casually or spend two hours hard core and Lazer focused on your goals.

Two hours a day is a lot of accumulated time for a single video game.

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Pretty much.
$15 is maybe 10 minutes worth of ‘work’ on a slow day. lol

I am not defining anything.

Words have meaning. You cherry picking one definition doesnt make you correct.

See above.

Doing anything for 80 hours a week doesnt make you a casual lol

Compared to world quest andy that plays 10 hours a day and claims to be casual? its not.

lmao…yeah…you did when you told us what ‘casual’ IS or ISNT. lol

dont need to see above. Ive posted you the literal definition twice now that has ZERO to do with ‘time spent’

attitude defines what ‘casual’ is.

there you go DEFINING that which you have ZERO authority to define again. lmao

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Yes… Lots of people are… Even I am, where I only offer my Blacksmithing and Enchanting services for free (1 silver Commissions), but with enough Resourcefulness that I can proc quite often especially on R3 materials, and fund it… This week, to date I have procced:

  • ~70 R3 Primal Molten Alloys
  • ~190 R2 Primal Molten Alloys
  • 22 R3 Frostfire Alloys
  • 31 R2 Frostfire Alloys
  • 28 R3 Shadowed Alloys

If I continue at this rate, I can easily afford a Token with time to spare…

Your lack of understanding of a word doesnt mean I defined it.

Hence why you ignored the comment where I said you cherry picked the definition. Its ok that you are wrong bro, no need to be hostile.

Not me defining it when the actual definition does.

Not I. If token prices don’t come down I might have to quit. bought the annual pass, but once that’s up I wont have the real life $ for the sub anymore as my financial situation changed. And I don’t make a ton of gold either.

Literally LMAO
Straight from the web…

Synonyms of casual

  • informal.
  • everyday.
  • relaxed.
  • workaday.
  • sporty.
  • sloppy.
  • slovenly.
  • dégagé
  • dégagé
  1. unconcerned or unconstrained: relaxed.

I’ll probably just stockpile gold and wait to see if they ever dip under 200k again.

What is a word quest Andy?

lol…literally doing what youre accusing of.
Words have a list of meanings given the context often enough.
In this context ‘casual’ just as easily is someone who spends lots of time playing but doesnt take the game or anything in it seriously.
IF they are playing a lot AND taking it seriously THEN you have a non casual player
Or IF they play an hour a day AND take it seriously, they are a non casual player.

now this is wasting my time so last post to you.


Impossible to even get. Only way i ever had above 100k gold was buy a token. Cadh for fold. I have a job so its really an hrs pay. Not worth the grind when one barely has time to play.

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so if casual are unconcerned then why does it bother you that token cost 300k atm? Are you saying you’re not a casual then?

It’ll take you a lot longer to farm the gold than just buying a token unless you are running the AH. Better at that point to just pay $$$ for the gold so you can enjoy the game instead of gold farming.

lol. your post doesnt even make any sense lol. I couldnt care less what the token price is. I dont use gold or $$$ to buy them.
Im sure you had a point you were trying to make. Take a few minutes to get it together and maybe rephrase?

Im casual because I dont dont get my undies in a bunch about the game regardless of how many hours I play.
precisely why I dont do higher content. Because I’ll drop you and your M+ the first sign of irritation…because I am casual lol