300k for 1 month? token prices

I have alot of gold doing nothing, but it’s far easier to make $ then gold per minute.

Please direct me to the nearest World of Warcraft dictionary where I can find the definition of “casual”.

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Bro, how many people spend so many time on a video that they have 11 max level toon when dragonflight is boring as hell. Most has 2 max level at max, you biases are showing…

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Real life words don’t get a secondary meaning when applied to warcraft.

Casual has a definition. Just like boy or girl has a definition that doesn’t magically change once you enter WoW.

So what does casual actually do? You dont make new toons, You dont want to farm, you dont want to raid, you dont want to group contents. Last I check you guys are complaining that 50 char slot is too low :person_shrugging: Maybe consider quiting coz you clearly aren’t playing the game

Dude, normal people spend 10 hours a week playing game at max. That is not enough to complete all the dailies. You are the one has problem…

I’ll take things that people pull out their buttocks for 400, alex

again I didnt tell you complete all the dailies. Reading is hard huh? I said do the dragonriding bi-weekly. That’s a total of 12 wq. Each wq takes 1min at most surely some1 at your caliber can complete that :wink:

Yea on 11 different character, stop talking. You are insane

read and understand. Clearly you speak english so you just need to understand. The person was complaining about how to get 300k. Gave him an easy way of getting it w/ minimum effort. But keep yapping your mouth you’re looking dumber and dumber as you go :wink:

I doubt there are a ton of people using that to buy their monthly fix.

More likely they are just converting to Blizz balance and letting it sit.

Supply and demand :dracthyr_shrug:

Your example are insane and out of tourch, how many people has 11 characters. Your argument just make you look dumber. In same amount, he would better of doing dailie wrath classic with just 1 character

I report you are obvious trolling

Why would I want gold at all? What do you need it for? I don’t understand why people would pay 20 usd plus tax for gold when it’s anything less than like 200k or something.

Imo. If you are casual you probably don’t put enough time into the game to be rich.

For many, many years I paid my sub with gold. But a couple years ago I went back to paying cash.

Your opinion is pretty terrible

ugh…no…its literally not.
my sister fishes 14 hours in a day many times. Shes as casual as it gets because they dont care if they catch much or not.
Another friend is hardcore, fishes maybe a dozen times in a year but goes entirely overboard…overly serious about it.

Same goes with golf. I was golfing two rounds a day 5 days a week.
Do I sound like Tiger woods? lmao
Im not a serious golfer. My best score is 83. That ISNT a serious player.

‘casual’ has nothing to do with time spent.
casual is your ATTITUDE about what youre doing…if youre taking it seriously or not.

CASUAL: relaxed and unconcerned

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Can you really say someone who min/max the economy of the game casual? If you know a lot about the economy to be rich in wow, and don’t buy tokens, you aren’t casual.

I said make 11 characters and do wq on them. And yes there are alot of people here who has more than 10 characters. Alot of people just level them to max and leave them at that. The beauty of dragonriding wq is you dont need a gear toon to do it

Report away. You’re just bitter and dumb :wink: