300k for 1 month? token prices

I’m not here to complain, Idc about the price… but is there anyone who is actually paiyng this amount of gold for 1 month? lol… Just wondering… I’m not talking to the Rich people in game, talking to the casuals.


Hell no.

300k gold to me, is worth WAY more than $15 dollars. At least in terms of the time you’d need to spend playing to get it. I’m no Auction House Goblin, I’m sure someone with total control over the game-economy could do that, but those are whales.

Never bought a token, never will. I’ll just use money to buy game time if I need it.

Will never need gold to the extent that I’d buy a token.

Dragonflight basically throws gold at you through the dailies, and you can easily afford any enchants or crafted gear you need through that.

You’d have to play this game as a job in order to make enough gold to sell your own tokens, and I’d rather just work in real life instead, lol.

It’d also lead to some fast burnout if I played WoW like that, not trying to get burnt out again so soon.


300k/per token is unsustainable for solo-casual players, rip casuals :desert:


I love how you assume casuals can’t be rich.


you mean everyone didn’t make 5 million a day for the span of a week during this expansion?


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Casual is a broad term.

Casual as in not doing m+/raid/pvp?

Casual as in solo only play?

Casual is in X arbitrary low amount of hours per week?


So you don’t play with any min max focus. That’s ok. I’d rather buy a token and hang with family enjoying the content I do enjoy instead of farming.


your not here to complain but your here to complain.


Casual isn’t a broad term. It’s only defined by how much time you play.

Someone playing 25 hours a week doing world quests across 20 Alts isn’t a casual.


You don’t need any more gold than the passive income DF gives you from doing dailies.

I’d rather hang with my family and friends with my bare minimum-self than give WoW any more time than it needs.

Doing min/max impresses no one except yourself, there is no point to it.

I don’t play WoW for internet strangers, I play it for me.


Some do ,op, they have the means I wouldn’t at that price.

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Incorrect. That also implies I do dailies. I’d rather spend 15 minutes of work irl and buy a token than spend time doing dailies.

I raid mythic. I enjoy that content. Min maxing is a part of that content. You clearly have never played on a sports team.


Not sure what you are looking for.

Supply and demand to an extent. Just remember, there will always be more people willing to exchange a fake currency than a real one.

Would you spend 600k gold to buy a mount cosmetic? What about $30? I bet you will find more takers for the former than the latter.

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min-max because wow is on a timer. If it was just for “the contents” then return several expansions later.

There’s a difference between doing stuff while current, and doing stuff much later.

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Oh no

You have to cut out two star bucks coffees/Doordash lunches for the week

The horror of first world problems by lazy people


It dont think you can afford 300k gold a month if you have a full time job. If I played the game 8 hours a day, i could make 20k gold a day. It would still take 15 to 16 days to afford a wow token. It just seems unviable, what more feasible is the classic wrath token right now.

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I suspect a goodly number of the people buying tokens right now aren’t interested in game time, they’re trading in their stockpiled gold for Diablo IV.


Have you considered better gold making methods?

Namely, playing first two weeks of expac.

If no one paid it the price would drop

Yeah, that’s for you. I’m not a whale and won’t spend more on WoW than the bare minimum, money-wise.

That’s cool, I don’t PvE.

You can still min/max without gold, by the way.

But Rated Battlegrounds are similar to a sports team, aren’t they?

Not everyone has to buy WoW tokens, some people can just play the game naturally and get everything they want/need, shocking, I know.

I played WoW before token was ever a thing, and that’s how I intend to play it (without token), until I am not playing it anymore.

Anyways, peace troll.