300k for 1 month? token prices

you seem to be in some intonation that I’ll even invite you :wink:

for some1 who dont care you seem to be very passionate debating this thread :wink:

I wouldnt commit myself to it. and Im VERY sure your group would end up irritated if you did invite me. lol. Im entirely unreliable once Im agitated about the most trifling little thing .

huh. I read above and my back and forth was about the word ‘casual’ that had nothing to do with the price of the token.
pay better attention ?

I dont buy tokens. I dont care what the price is.
I dont think theyre worth $20 if theyre under 250k gold though

now this thread is wasting my time so muted.

heres his main

An annual subscription is about $12/mo…
I buy gold via the token because I do not raid. I am not a good player (hand tremors). I enjoy gathering pets, flying, relaxing, avoiding those challenging “stress” areas of WoWarcraft. The game is beautiful, familliar (started in 2002 with Warcraft.).

ATM the token price is great for the “casual” (30/hr wk 18 alt) player. Not the hardcore serious knowledgable skilled player who is still a student or just scaping by needing to gather tokens for subscription. Oopps sorry. But the price, like the stock always crashes. Soon we will be back to $75. But this time, I won’t complain, because I know it will be good for those who need it… till it rises for me again.

Why would u need gold if you not playing hardcore? I assume causul player farm gold and buys token for sub time, and hardcore buys golds…

On moon guard, I see people throwing around millions of gold, so paying for a monthly token for a lot of people = not a big deal.

Personally, instead of farming (or whatever they do for that much gold) i’d rather just work 30 min at my job for the $15 a month and play the game having fun doing it, rather than work in game just to pay the sub. but that’s just me.

I dunno if I’m a casual or a richmon. 3.8 M gold in one server, 400k in another. Is that casual? Anyway, 300k per month is getting a bit pricey for me. I can keep doing it but I don’t really want to. I might go back to doing 6 month installments.

I just pay with Visa… Easier for me to make $15 than worry about a token every month.


Really? Because its not that difficult. I play maybe 15 hours a week an gather close to 150k from selling material’s and random stuff.

Well the blood plague started the problem. People couldnt even go into the major cities to do business, thus the supply chain virtualy dies.

When we finally came out of it, inflation had already taked hold, demand sky rockted and now your paying triple for things that were everyday consumables.

Hell, even the cost of living in Org went up by 270%. People are buying more from farmers like Mankrick out in the plains, cutting out the middle men, just to save a few copper.

Arcwine is more expensive than ever, even something so arbitrary as boar ribs and hyena jowels are at incredible levels.

Stormwind has so many homeless people in the city and near the docks that it is reaching epidemic proportions.

Adventurers are risking themselves more and more just cover travel costs. Have you seen the price just for teleports lately?

Everthing has gone up. Ingots, crystals, jewels, scrolls, transportation, skins, cloth bolts…if the materials to make items goes up, then its only logical that the final products do to.

Hopefull the goblin banking guild gets this under control. Rumor is Gazlowe will be making an announcement soon on getting things under control.

Heres to hoping.

Honestly if i buy a token its for something on the AH I want and its over-priced :rofl: :v:t5:

So you’d be something boring and jobby for 4 hours to save $15. Sounds terrible. That would be like taking a job where you make $4/hour lol.

Unless you somehow actually enjoy doing that, then that’s different.


Complain more.

Who’s complaining? I just pay the sub fee like I have since I first started playing MMOs 20 years ago becuase $15/month is nothing for what you get in return.

I’m just pointing out that I think its incredibly stupid to waste 4 hours to “make” 15 dollars, unless the process is something you actually enjoy.



Do not expect the prices go down until the next expac, in fact the price will go up further the expac in. Major patches might see slightly lower price but it wont last long.

Its a high price but plenty easy. 15 toons doing the weekly feast quest ,which takes all of 45 minutes,and a few hours a week of farming transmog. I dont like paying that much but 15 bucks is a couple days food for a brotha,and gold is insanely easy to make from 1000 different sources that dont require huge amounts of time. Its easier than it appears,it can be daunting though getting started on gold making.

Things are out of balance right now because no one needs WoW gold except for the people in the sealed-off Classic markets, and a LOT of people want Blizzard Balance for other games like Diablo 4 and Overwatch 2.

Until there are more gold sinks in WoW this’ll continue, so probably until the next raid comes out and people need consumables.

As a note, selling Trader’s Tender for gold would’ve actually alleviated this somewhat, providing a nice monthly dip, but people likely would’ve gotten frothy about that since it’s an indirect cash purchase.

I make a token every 2 days on classic but stilleasier to pay for the token

More fun to play ah tho

Is the price still over 300k?.. Ill pay 20$ for some one else to farm my gold… isnt it great how a game economy works