300k for 1 month? token prices

level up 11 toon to max level. Now do dragon riding wq on each of those twice a week. That’s 7k per toon per week. Now add that up you have 28k per month per toon. With 11 toons that 308k/month. And there’s your token issue solved. And it only take 10mins max per toon to clear the map. That’s less than 2hrs of play time

Dudes just mad he probably works a dead end job.

All the anti token people are like that.

I heard he called you a poo poo head … what are you gonna do about it

My dad can beat up his dad

This is a family forum

That’s my problem I don’t do dragon racing,just not for me,but i do get by enough.

Absolutely nothing. He took the cowards way out and muted me.

My dad is 78 years old. I would suggest not letting your dad do that lol

On the opposite end of the spectrum … come see what i have to complain about…

would it be 8k due to friday reset?

You have outweird flexed yourself. Bravo sir!

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I use to do this when there was a lot of gold dailies out and about. now i just sit in town and make money off crafting.

in all seriousness tho what is this humanbeak reference… its very rare i dont know a meme

500+ gold per bag. There are 6 dragon riding to do including 2 in ZM. That’s roughly 3.5k. So it’ll be around 7k. I dont think it’ll hit 8k per week.

Also though it doenst state it, the arena quest gives like 6-700G in the plains, on top of what it lists.

The Forbidden Reach has some quest

yea I’m just giving them an eazy, lazy way to make gold w/ minimum effort. If they want to make gold doing wq just clear the map twice a week and they’ll probably earn about 10k-12k per week per character on just WQ

It’s not major. Your posts just remind me of a theme from another person who seems to have fallen off the face of the earth. :dracthyr_shrug: