300k for 1 month? token prices

So the best way to get better at a video game is to make more money in life… Makes sense (if you don’t think about it).

If all else fails you can always trade up in spouses if rich

I hear Elon is getting pretty close on them RL cat girls… just sayin

Great now you’re gonna bring in the real crazies

Fake crazy like aubrey plaza or real crazy like Every person in florida

I was gonna say Gary busey… But no one’s been brave enough to take a swipe at florida until now

Can’t we meet in the middle? Like somewhere nice…like Ohio.

Ohio is the deep south of the north.

Bring it on states you’re all ripe for parody

I don’t know but I really don’t like having to pay more for game time just so people can buy cosmetics in another game.

I don’t mind the game itself but any cosmetics in those other games should be either only earnable in that game or cash only - no bnet balance. They disqualify people from using bnet balance to buy those 6 month subscription packages in wow so they should be able to distinguish in D4 too.

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Yet I Raid and do need those.

I never said that at all. You have no argument so now you’re making assumptions and deflecting.

You have some basic reading comprehension to work on.

I didn’t state anything contradictory to that. I just stated for me it’s smarter to buy a token because of the time investment.

My avatar doesn’t change your lack of a point and needing to resort to calling me a troll due to you lacking points.

My life is great. Just moved into a new house appreciate the assumption though.

Not if you’re playing Classic and having to respond to every single picked-apart sentence in a retail forum, I don’t think that’s a happy existence.

You delight as causing strife, which is more telling about you as a person.

I would not want to meet you in real life, lol.

Anyway, muting you so I don’t respond out of habit.

Nothing you say is something people really resonate and agree with. It’s all purposefully bad takes. Moving on.

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Garrison and sanctum are not current expansion content…


Prices are high because of supply and demand. Not alot of tokens in the game right now because people are gobbling them up for BNet balance for Diablo 4.

seriously, 300k is not hard to make, but i can see people rather pay the 15, its only gonna go up more with d4 first season.

That’s just blizzard helping sellers to regulate their prices at 300k a run. Obviously.

I only play retail as I don’t have the free time to play classic.

Because I play retail.

You should probably stop trying to think and assume things about me. You have been wrong on everything.

Because I explained that buying a token is better for me?

Imagine taking an L this hard and muting someone because you made poor assumptions

oh gees,though my fights were bad these take the cake, :popcorn: