300k for 1 month? token prices

Tell that to all the people (doing 25s or multi-glads) who think mount and pet collectors, with serious collections, are just casuals.

The definition is subjective since the community has no solid definition. Exception for what people want to give as definitions to fit their agendas.

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Man you probably not a causal… You wouldn’t have that much gold if you come after 1 or 2 year

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who said anything about casual? I just said profs were lucrative. More gold made this xpac than any other.

And I’m someone who did it wrong. (Thought the 8 pvp blacksmithing patterns weren’t for sale, when they actually were.)

You’re more than welcome to spend what you want. I’m not a whale either. I just don’t work a dead end job. WoWs monetary commitment is extremely low.

I have had cars with $3k worth of suspension mods alone on it.

Please explain how I can buy

DPS potions
Health potions

Without gold?

Not really. Even then if you’re showing up without gems and enchant stuff you’re clearly not a team player.

I didn’t say they couldn’t. I said what I do.

As did I. However I work and have a family so I don’t have the free time I did in my 20s

Just because I’m saying something you don’t like doesn’t make me a troll. Stop acting like a child.

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Maybe but at lvl 80 wrath, 4 quest reward 100 gold which took 10 min. You would have better value for time in wrath, if your aim is grind out wow token

not me - I will stop playing before I pay that

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If you want a wow token, learn the market, and get gold with ease. Only poor people grind.

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Read what I said. Then read it again. And hopefully you can figure out that’s not even close to what I said and you could stop looking foolish.

Ever heard the phrase time is money?

72k gold an hour your way
300k gold for less than 30 minutes time.

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depends on what you grinding (evil smirk)

When will people learn that you’re going to get bogged down in the meanings of certain words.

Stop using casual… You won’t ever discuss the topic at hand you’re just gonna discuss how each of you don’t share the same opinion of casual

Unless that’s your point in which case gentlemen do continue


jesus christ you can’t be this stupid.

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Doesn’t make them any less wrong. Even then most of then probably don’t even care.

Casual is based on time played not content done.

Words have definitions. Those aren’t subjective.

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I can and I will

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You clearly are.

I specifically stated op was wrong for assuming casuals can’t be rich.

Try reading it a fourth time.

Omg he really is that stupid. Couldn’t recognize sarcasm if it jumped up and slapped him in the face.


(pulls up lawn chair with popcorn to enjoy this twitter fight)


I am pretty sure it’s because people are using WoW gold to buy Diablo 4. They are buying Bnet balance, not game time.


You don’t need those in PvP, ya fool. All you need is your Shadowflame Craft (2) and your enchants, and you are ready to start playing.

Says the ‘man’ (I don’t know what you are, but certainly immature) that has a problem with me since I personally don’t buy WoW token.

And even if you make ‘a lot of money’, you have some maturity to gain.

I stated that you can easily obtain everything without relying on token.

Anyway, it’s clear you’re a troll, because you are posting on a Classic toon, and don’t have anything real to show for it.

I do hope things improve in your life, so you don’t have to rely on trolling WoW forums for entertainment. There’s way more fun to be had.

When it comes to penny-pinching, I’m disturbed how much I’m starting to remind myself of Vork from The Guild.

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The pay your sub with money like a normal person. :no_good_man: :rofl:

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