300k for 1 month? token prices

Sarcasm on sarcasm was pointless

The fact that people are paying over 300k for tokens is proof that they are selling for that. If you have a full time job more than likely you can afford the $15 month sub to play without using gold anyways for pay for your sub. People who are burning their WoW gold for store money is more than likely doing so for something else that cost a lot more than just a sub.


Pls continue, the laughs are appreciated.

Yeah I mostly sustain my sub with tokens but I don’t think I can anymore. I’ll have to figure something out.

10k gold a day ?? its doable

But if you are going to login just to make 10k gold a day to afford the token so you can play - Don’t

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Gonna need a lot more popcorn.

Yes, quite a lot of people are paying this amount of gold for tokens. Supply gets low so the price goes up to encourage others to use cash to purchase a token. When the supply of tokens is high then the gold cost drops to encourage those to buy tokens with gold.

It balances itself out, and with Diablo 4 Battle Passes don’t expect the price to fall that far under 300K for a long time.

(Clear throat)

Casuals are ruining WoW
If you dont spend $400 a week on token your poor
Sylvanas did nothing wrong


You’re missing a Bring back Garrosh.

nah as a legit furry he deserves everything he got…

This is our time now… World of Furcraft


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Do Trolls count as furries? They canonically have fur.

WoD gold farmers are still going.

That was ~10 years ago. They loaded up multiple characters and probably accounts to farm the mission tables. That means gold cap across how many characters?

I wouldn’t be surprised if they were still selling gold for gameplay. Yes even at 300k.

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Canonical Furry Races…
Worgen, Vulpera, Pandaren, Tauren, Draenei, Dracthyr

Tauren don’t count. Would say Draenei don’t either.

pretty sure im the subject matter expert here =P and my list is 100% accurate


What about Dwarves?

Well $15 is not really that much today, if you got a stock pile of gold just sitting i would buy, but if your farming its not worth it imo

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I’m working on my 5th gold cap at the moment. I am holding off on buying anymore tokens until prices come down. I am considering allowing subs to lapse on extra accounts as well. It doesn’t feel good spending more than double the gold on a month of gametime in comparison to earlier this year.

Once my current token stash is and Bnet balance is dried up, I will have no choice at that point. In the meantime, I feel pretty bad for those who have no other choice than to buy tokens for their gametime.

if you have 25 toons just do the dragon riding WQ its what 14k for the week

no they just diggy hole no animal features