300k for 1 month? token prices

Casuals couldn’t possibly figure out how to farm an almost 20 year old dungeon like Strath for Righteous Orbs and sell them for almost 900g a pop. Filthy idiot casuals.

The raw materials actually decreased in value compare to start of expansion. Btw in start of expansion, at some point wow token was close to 100k gold. It is partly due to increase gold value in wq and and people has multiple alts by now

Finding randoms to queuing rated is different from playing with a PVP team.

And wow pvp is vastly different from wow pve. Imagine, playing pvping in wow instead of playing League.

As for min-maxing without gold? that really depends on what you mean. Augment runes for every pull, every m+? that adds up kinda fast.

Let’s all keep in mind how tokens work:

  • Some people buy tokens with dollars, to get gold. Others buy tokens in-game with gold, to get game time.
  • If there are more people buying tokens with dollars (to get gold) than there are people buying tokens off the AH with gold, the gold price goes DOWN.
  • If there are more people buying tokens off the AH with gold than there are people buying tokens with dollars to get gold, the gold price goes UP.

We are currently in the latter stage. People don’t need or want gold, so the gold price goes up because people are using their in-game gold for game time.

Are there SOME people paying dollars to get gold? Most definitely. Otherwise the price would be even higher (in Taiwan, tokens are over 515,000 gold currently).

Remember, at the start of every expansion, the gold price goes DOWN. Because a lot of returning people with a lot of dollars come back to the game, and realize “Oh, I quit the game after a month last expansion, I missed out on a bunch of cool transmogs / mounts / pets / toys / gear because I didn’t play for 2 years”. So they buy tokens with dollars and spend the gold they get on all the things they missed.

And then the token gold price goes up over time afterwards.

Every time.

EVERY time.

And it will happen again next expansion.


I’m not saying farm now, I’m saying do it back then when it was easy to make gold.

That doesn’t even sound like a lot of money…

Wait was that a joke

sounds far better than someone’s idea of grinding away for 20k gold a day.

It’s about 6k gold for 5 minutes or less of work so about 72k gold an hour. You do that for one hour a day for a week that’s half a mil.


Im thinking of paying ones months game time to snag 300k and boost a profession or two on an alt :wink:

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I’ll break your market by selling them 100g lower

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Then you not playing the game… I got bored and unsub 3 month into the expansion, and used a token for trading post. But rn using gold for sub is just unsustainable, if you really want wow token you should be play classic wrath rn

Pls do, I need to buy more.

I think your forum post…
And my forum post…

MIGHT be related… just saying…

Doing professions at the start of expac when it was lucrative doesn’t count as playing the game?

When like stuff you gathered sold really well, and anything you crafted resulted in like 4x value?

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Oh wait a minute is that the reason there so many pay carry website? :eyes:

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Bro you dont do prof in this expansion if you want gold, especially at start of expansion. Your suggestions are horrible

Considering I’ve made 70 mil (kinda gave up at that point cause too much to conceivably use) That’s where the gold is.

Profs are super good for the first month or so. Some people who got lariat walked away with like 10 gold caps. Burning it all on Sarkareth carries wasn’t in the cards back then.


posted yesterday i think their might be related…

Or you spend more gold leveling your profs, when raw materials was overpriced at start.

Anyway 4.5k wrath gold is cheaper than 300k dragonflight gold

I paid 1 million for a blacksmithing pattern, and made 1.6 million off of three star mats the next day.