300k for 1 month? token prices

Game might be nudging you to get a job. I hear you can earn a month if wow in like two hours flipping burgers earning McMoney…. or maybe half a day of awkwardly groping people pretending to have extra chromosomes as a walmart door greeter

This is lame.

The games changes made it harder for me to earn gold the way I’d usually get. I paid almost 300k. IRL money will always be worth more for me then some digital game currency.

That said I wouldn’t be surprised if the lot of people who relied on this method can’t maintain it so they’ll stop playing all together… kinda sucks but it is what it is.

I paid it just to try classic wotlk

Cost me 234k on my server

I think it’s a bit high but :man_shrugging: what do I know?

i did it a couple of times but not every month . it’s not impossible though

And one of the definitions of casual is “relaxed and unconcerned,” which has absolute nothing to do with amount of time. That’s why things like “casual friday” at work mean you can wear relaxing clothes, not you can only wear clothes for a low amount of time.


This isnt a workplace, in gaming casual is associated with time.

Playing a game 60 hours a week doesnt mean youre a casual because you do solo content

No, you are associating casual with time. Casual has more than one definition and people, especially people in this game, use that definition to describe the level of activity they do.

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Because that’s how the gaming definition means.

And they aren’t smart. If a bunch of people say 2+2=10 that doesn’t make them right.

I mean, they’re smart enough to understand that casual has more than one definition, and smart enough to use it to correctly describe the activity level they do in game.

You on the other hand…


Says the guy that can’t comprehend that when used in the context of gaming it’s based on time.

Is clearly smarter than most people.

i been playing a lot more casual these days so no not gonna pay that much in game moneys for a month. It’s doable but i don’t feel like puttin in that grind

No, but then I’ve never bought a token. $15 is an Uber ride.

I’m sitting at four and a quarter caps and I don’t want to spend 300k either, let alone 300 x 3 for my three accounts. :frowning:

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Makes sense since most aren’t rich.

Or you know, just pay $15 like the good old days.

If you can’t afford that then maybe you should be spending your free time in self improvement.

proceeds to complain…

I don’t understand why the WoW token needs to be accessible to solo-casual players?

People act like it’s so imperative that the WoW token be an easy/convenient way to get free game time and I’m not sure I understand why

Built myself a third Black Dragon Touched Hammer, this time with Multicrafting, so now I can start spamming R3 Primal Molten Alloys with a 21% chance at bonus R3 Alloys every time, provided I use Lesser Insights to guarantee the R3… It’s surprising just how efficient it can be to make gold in this way: 410g in materials, then with a minimum of 2 R3 Alloys crafted, with a maximum Multicraft of 8, means that I can turn a significant profit no matter what I get… Hell, sometimes a single R3 Alloy can sell for more than the total cost of creating the basic two in the first place! Started this evening by producing 134 from 35 crafts and sold them at 400g each, for just shy of 51k gold, or about 35.5k profit… A couple more days of this and I’ll be able to buy a month just from those…

I paid for some of Warlords, some of Legion, and all of Battle for Azeroth with in-game gold, back when token prices were reasonable. 20,000-120,000 gold. Now it’s just insane.

Imagine paying 300,000 gold for 30 days of gametime. Unless you’re seriously playing the Auction House, this doesn’t add up.