30 Min Debuff abuse

You are absolutely no different.

Tell me you didn’t read anything any of them said without telling me you didn’t read anything any of them said.

With bait like this, I should take you fishing.

Nah, don’t take the bait.

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The reason the debuff exists for being kicked in the first place is because people would intentionally troll to avoid the deserter debuff if they didn’t like the dungeon or something about the group. Don’t like the Dawnbreaker (for example)? Troll to get kicked to avoid the deserter debuff then queue again. The way things are now avoids that intentional trolling.

Vote kicks can happen for any reason, good or bad. It’s annoying when I get disconnected loading into a dungeon and wind up with a deserter debuff when I log back in. It’s still better than intentional trolling to avoid the deserter debuff by getting kicked instead of leaving.

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It happens, though not as often as it used to. I was doing a TW the other day and the tank and one other dps dropped group within a minute of everyone zoning in.

Kiyoko, there are many things going on in this thread. My main issue is that some are saying that these things never happen and accuse others of trolling, simply because they have never experienced it.

I’ve been pretty consistent with everything that I have said regarding this issue, that some believe is not an issue because they’ve never experienced it.

Right now, it’s an “agree to disagree” situation.

There’s no nefarious agenda. We’re calling out something we see as an issue and others are being rude and saying that we are lying.

It is what it is.

This is called “confirmation bias.”

I’ve never won the state lottery but that doesn’t mean others haven’t.

Those who offer suggestions are appreciated though it’s not likely anything will get done.


As opposed to you, who has claimed we’re all horrible people, when we’ve literally told you that it can happen, it’s just rare and here’s some ideas for tweaks, but hey, ignore those and continue to play victim.

Do you ever plan on addressing the ideas that we’ve given?

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Listen Sen. You’re opinion, specifically, means nothing to me. You’ve been attempting to attack my opinion on this matter since this all started.

Please don’t try fein innocence. Many others will back me up on just how obnoxiously rude you have been.


It was fantastic bait.
I just wonder who’s alt it was that started such a good fire.

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I never once attacked your opinion. I came after your twisting of things.

Do I need to go back and quote all of the lies you told about myself and others? Claiming you’re afraid to get into a dungeon with us, because we’d retaliate or how we never help new players or that we must be the ones kicking people?

Are you seriously going to sit here and deny these things?

My original responses to you:

And absolutely NOWHERE is anything that you claimed.

You mean the two people I’ve had on ignore, because all they do is troll this thread with zero input on the topic and are only here to attack and insult people? If you’re part of that group, then no, nothing you say can be taken even remotely with a grain of seriousness or respect.

Just like you’ve done? I’ve pointed out several things you’ve done which you accuse others of and you don’t deny it.

What’s your agenda?


Glass houses and all, people can see all the claims and posts you make. There’s no issue here. Your opinion is equally worthless.

You keep trying to fight on this point which is, literally, a made-up story by someone who came to the forums to lie and drum up sympathy points. You want to fight on that point, that’s your choice, but to keep calling this “unempathetic” or “dismissing others” is utterly laughable.

That’s the game they play. Reminds me of a shoplifter who plays victim when a guard tackles them.


If you think I’m trying to drum up sympathy points, you’re sorely mistaken.

Whatevs…no one is ever going agree with everyone on anything.

Even fish have standards.

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No, they aren’t. But instead of attacking people about how they’re going to retaliate against you or how we’re all bad people who don’t help others… how about we discuss the actual ideas I’ve now posted at least four times to help with these rare circumstances?

Would be nice now wouldn’t it?


You use this as an excuse so often that you’re actually using it as your own confirmation bias.

You say people are in these threads posting with bad faith…yet you’re in all of them.

You claim nonsense about the CS forum, only because they won’t tell you what you want to hear. Sorry, but that’s not what that forum is for.

In any event, this thread is still 100% based on a false claim or a fake claim about something that either didn’t happen or that the OP was 100% complacent in voting along side those who wanted to kick the other player.


The only thing this type of person wants is an echo chamber, and they get really angry when they don’t get it.