30 Min Debuff abuse


And they claim that’s all everyone else who disagrees with them wants too. It’s such a silly stance. Whatever though. People like that, in my opinion are generally just trying to stir the pot.

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Can you show me where I said this? Because the suggestions I’ve reposted aren’t even mine. I’ve also posted the accessibility pathing idea that someone came up with and talked with people about the debuff time, etc.

Yet here you are… being asked to have an actual conversation about ideas— none of which are actually mine— and still just making snide remarks instead.

I mean… it’s even literally right there, in my first reply to you…

Nowhere does that claim they were in any way, shape or form my ideas.

But go off, as usual. Hope you have a better day.

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They have taken the “Attack Sen at all costs” approach.

It’s a bold strategy, Cotton. Let’s see if it pays off for 'em.

(They already lost)

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It doesn’t matter if they do. I have and you choose not to acknowledge it.


We can’t have logic and facts. That’s absurd!


We know. You’ve made that abundantly clear.


Maybe you should look at some of the personal attacks you seem to be backing before accusing someone of playing the game of pot meet kettle.

Wait, we can’t?

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I don’t have a lot of faith that someone plays the game enough to actually speak to it when they have a mere 11,000 achievement points over 15 years.

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Is that why you hide on a classic alt? So you can judge on how much achievement points someone has on the basis of their character so you can make comments like that?

I mean you have 100 and couldn’t even finish a start zone

Should everyone just toss out everything you say by your own standards then?


My issue with your “opinions” is you often pass them off as fact, as seen by your first post in the thread which kicked off a lot of this nonsense.

Claiming abuse happens “often” is not an opinion. You are passing that off as fact.

Then your wrong use of terminology and how you call things.
People corrected you. You got defensive.

Tbh I haven’t seen any sarcasm.
I’ve seen a lot of defensive posting and now calling it “cheek and sarcasm” to cover your bases.

Idk. You seem to be all over the place with your posts.

And stuff like this doesn’t seem like “sarcasm”.


Welcome to democracy, where you don’t always get the choice you want.

If you want further lessons, I direct you to the USA

In my experience, people getting kicked out of dungeons are mostly deserved. Take the a chill pill during the 30 min debuff and think about what you could’ve done differently or how to be a better person.

I guess you ignored all the people refuting and correcting you as well huh?

Tbh you could have stopped this at any time by talking about the actual topic instead of arguing. So when you say “reflect”, I hope you do the same.

Or run to the forums and claim you did nothing wrong and the “abuse” is a plague upon lfg.

Tbh I wouldn’t mind seeing the debuff reduced to 15 minutes though. I can’t see it staying at 30. And removing it from lfr if you are saved would be a solid QoL change too.

Let’s add a replay system, if you get kicked from a dungeon, it saves the replay of the dungeon, you can somehow find it and watch it, share it too. Then we can add a subforum here for “ELI5: Why did I get kicked?” where people can post their footage if they’re confused and get helpful and constructive [sic] explanations as to why they were kicked.

I wouldn’t mind this. Garentee all these “I was kicked for nothing” would turn out to be something.