30 Min Debuff abuse

What you call grieifing, does not mean it is exactly griefing. You do not get to say what the rules are or decide on what is classed as something. Especially since people do have the right to initiate a vote-kick for any to no reason at all, as long as the vote-kick passes.

On top of that, how do you exactly know who initiates a vote-kick?

The icon at the bottom of the screen is labeled “group finder”. That is what I’m referring to.

If this is your “gotcha” moment, you failed.


I think you meant to say this directly to the OP. I’m merely voicing an opinion that coincides with the OP’s first post.

Nope, the 30-minute debuff needs to stay right where it is.

All reducing it to 5 minutes will accomplish is creating more grief, this time as tanks and healers bail on dungeon runs they don’t want to do like they did back in Wrath of the Lich King.

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I don’t think anyone is talking about when people bail from an instance. Yes the 30 minute debuff should definitely apply.

The argument is about being kicked and not knowing why or for ridiculous reasons, like being “slow”.

If the kick is justified (i.e. bad tank, bad healer, offline, and the like) yes, kick with the 30 minute debuff.

I’ve never encountered a tank or healer…or anyone for that matter, bail due to the random dungeon selected. I’m sure it happens, my head isn’t in the sand, but I have not experienced it.

Personally, I would like to see more dialogue between players before anyone initiates a kick. Perhaps the player is having tech difficulties or something is happening to them IRL. We’ve become this insensitive and intolerant type of gamer…and that’s kinda weird when we have to depend on random people to help complete events in game.

I understand that there are those who disagree with me and will say that you’re basically being forced to play with those you don’t want to. That’s simply not true. Random is random. If you don’t want anyone bogging you down, don’t use a random dungeon unless you have a full party.

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The kick system doesn’t differentiate and doesn’t give different penalties based on why you were kicked; if it did, it would be heavily abused. Imagine for a moment that ‘being slow’ and getting kicked only got you a 5-minute debuff, but being a bad tank or a troll got you a 30-minute debuff. Do you really think groups like the one the OP is describing would pick the 5-minute reason? Or the 30-minute reason?

My money is on them picking the 30-minute reason just to punish the player even further because they can.

It doesn’t happen now because of the current penalty, but it used to happen a lot. Back when the cross-realm dungeon finder was added during Wrath of the Lich King, getting kicked from a group didn’t give you a penalty at all. Douchebag tanks and healers realized that, and they’d hold groups hostage in the event that they got a dungeon they didn’t want to do. They’d demand that the group kick them so they could instantly queue for a new dungeon.

The problem? The kick system has an internal cooldown in it. Specifically to prevent people from abusing the system by kicking people on a whim whenever they feel like it. But as a result of tanks and healers holding these groups hostage, many people found themselves triggering the internal cooldown. No ability to kick forced the DPS in the group to bail, getting a deserter debuff themselves and then having to wait an additional 20 minutes in the queue once the debuff wore off.

That’s why getting kicked hits you with a long penalty now. Because of tanks and healers holding groups hostage. And they’d absolutely start doing it again if given the chance.


I’m calling fake and alt hopping with you single post being this buddy.

I understand and appreciate what you are saying. For the most part, I agree with you.

However, this is all on random (unless you queue as an already formed party). The dungeon choice is random. You can’t pick and choose the TW dungeon you want from the group finder window. I’ve had to muscle through dungeons that I hate in order to get my badges and complete the quest for TW.

When queuing for random stuff, it might behoove some to lower expectations.

Why? Because I’m agreeing with OP?

Conspiracy theory much?:flushed::flushed::flushed::flushed:

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Oh, I know it’s random, but people were still leaving groups and requeing in the hope they wouldn’t get the dungeon they hate.

For this season in particular, I know Dawnbreaker is a dungeon that gets a lot of flak. If they removed the deserter debuff from getting kicked or shrunk it down to 5 minutes, I guarantee you there would be tanks and healers holding Dawnbreaker groups hostage. Why? Because they simply don’t want to do that dungeon and will try their luck again with the random dungeon finder to avoid it as often as possible.

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If they just drop them both to 15 minutes this won’t happen and it will likely cut the complaints about being kicked down as well. There is no reason to lower the debuff for being kicked but leave it at 30 minutes for leaving because as others have said that incentivizes poor behavior and basically rewards you for being kicked.

Lower them both. Heroics barely take 15 minutes, TWs and normals are even faster, there is really no reason for it to be 30 minutes anymore because dungeons don’t take 30 minutes.


That’s extremely bizarre behavior. I’m thankful I’ve never encountered it. I just thank the Almighty for the instance because the queue times are outrageously long. Especially if I’m queuing with my hubby and we’re both DPS. If course when I tank, it’s instant.

I understand the frustration when you’re placed in an instance with several low levels looking to level up quickly. They have less of an arsenal than the higher level toons. But I wouldn’t kick them… unless they were constantly dying because they were standing in bad stuff.

Maybe all instances should have the NPC feature. That way others won’t be held hostage and abuse of the kick system would not happen. Personally, I like being able to knock out content with NPC’s to aid me.

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This is more than made up for by scaling though there are a few level ranges that you don’t benefit much from the scaling when you’re working your way through them. At level 71 you’re a god in TWW normal dungeons but by 77-80 you feel weak again.

Same applies to timewalking. You’ll never be more powerful in TW than you are at level 11.

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So very true.

I appreciate your responses. You’ve been able to get the point across without all the bitter hate vitriol that others have.

It’s refreshing to have a dialogue without being belittled, so… again… thank you.

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Just like your failed gotcha moment of thinking you make the rules with:

Like seriously, it is called Random Dungeon Finder Because you’re queuing for random dungeons. Group Finder down on the bottom right doesn’t mean finding a group, it could mean looking for group content.

Plus, you can group up with a full party of friends and run a dungeon. So, no, it is not finding a random group, it is a random dungeon finder. Even the development calls it Random Dungeon Finder.

Thank you for reiterating my point. You just repeated everything that I have been saying throughout this thread.

Fair point, Mal.

It is by their own definition, despite their unwillingness to enforce it. That simple, sorry. Every other game does, too.

Something Blizzard should be tracking, just like any other game (The ones that also make less money than them yet have better customer support and rule enforcement)

Even other people admit, it’s griefing. Even ‘leaving’ groups apparently was ‘griefing’ enough for Blizzard to ‘attempt’ to help solve the issue. Also, M+ leavers.

So, point out where it says initiating a vote to kick on a player is griefing. I’ll wait.

And look at how bad every other game is. So much more worried about over policing their games and less worried about proper content for their games.

But you’re acting like you’re onlu getting queued with the same 4 other players. There is millions of players. If groups are voting you out of the dungeon, then you must be doing something.

But lets get the fact: Blizzard is the ones who makes the rules, not you, not I, not all of us players. Blizzard doesn’t determind initiating the Vote-to-Kick as griefing, so it should not be classed as griefing.

The thing is, the rule is extremely vague. There is no knowing how many times a person has to intentinally leave a Mythic+ dungeon before Blizzard takes action against the person.

“Behavior that intentionally detracts from others’ enjoyment (such as griefing, throwing, feeding, etc.) is unacceptable.” That definitely detracts from others’ enjoyment!

The other line is even “conduct intended to unreasonably undermine or disrupt the Game experiences of others, deliberate inactivity or disconnecting” so, people feeding or doing nothing are also supposed to be actioned for griefing.

At enforcing rules and the like? Seems a lot better than this one!

Afraid those are different departments, in case you were unawares.

Just track all vote kicks, it’s not that difficult.

Any citations for millions of retail players that are running LFG/LFD?

Like… Being from X server, being a certain race?

Right, and their rules are pretty clear it’s considered griefing.

They have, they just refuse to enforce it.

Right, so we get to say whatever we want on the subject until they do.

Would be nice if they actually enforced griefing/throwing rules in PvP too!