3 PvP servers?

Compete in what? Lol its one easy raid and world pvp.

Im going to play on the server they arent on. There. Problem solved.

“How dare you bring logic and a counterpoint to my ridiculous claims, im blocking you” … Yikes.

Ignore feature is unavailable… Well, I guess we get to continue.

I acknowledged when you had good points but you couldn’t move on… You’re a sad case Holmes.

Seem like you don’t like what I said so you decided to cling to me like a dingle. Get a life and do it somewhere else while you’re at it… unstick yourself. Pathetic…

It is but not shocking you dont understand how to use it lol

There’s always the manual version.
Best of luck.


If you have to run BFD as a gdkp…

I’m starting to feel flattered that someone has dedicated themselves to me so fully… Maybe I was looking at this all wrong.

For the record on disabled profiles like (Deathsbounty) you can ignore them by navigating to preferences/users and manually adding them to the ignore list.

I was not aware until now that disabling your profile also removed the option for others to conveniently ignore you by clicking the character thumbnail.

Thanks for motivating me to learn more about ignoring people with disabled profiles Deathsbounty, very helpful!

One of his videos recently showed up on my youtube feed. I genuinely wonder if all those people who follow him are adults or little kids. I hope it’s the latter. But little kids don’t really play WoW anymore right?

Two PVP on each region, so people get to choose to play in the faction they want, having the option to play with who they want - and who they do not want to play with.

It’s a less crowded, more organized way to get ahead of the release so people don’t just rush in on overcrowded servers. You may say layering is a thing, but the server auction house is also a thing, the population is also a thing. There is enough people to fill all those servers, a lot of people that don’t play hardcore are coming to SoD: a lot of poeple that don’t play WoW aswell. And many, many returning players.

Giving multiple choices of where to play is a reasonable request.

So the RP-PVP would be a 5th PVP Option, for RP-PVP Options - not just a third whell.

You add to that a Normal and a RP-Normal realm, one in each region, and you literally satisfied anyone with the bare minimum resources.

Of course more is to come, gradually, and we hope so. But this is the bare minimum.

This isn’t an indie company, it’s a 20th year anniversary. And it’s 2023.

The only people who care about world pvp are people who specifically build around some cheesey setup to gank people who have ultimately no intention of fighting back.

Ashenvale will not be some PvP mecca that you’ve imagined it to be. It’s going to be dominated by one side’s faction after a week, and then a total ghost town.

And that is exactly why some people play PVP Realms: the thrill to hunt and be hunted, to be out without a safety net. Sure there are bad times, but there are also good times. Considering nowdays you can always layer out, the harassment has been reduced a lot compared to 20 years ago.

I say and repeat:

Two PVP on each region, so people get to choose to play in the faction they want, having the option to play with who they want - and who they do not want to play with.

It’s a less crowded, more organized way to get ahead of the release so people don’t just rush in on overcrowded servers. You may say layering is a thing, but the server auction house is also a thing, the population is also a thing. There is enough people to fill all those servers, a lot of people that don’t play hardcore are coming to SoD: a lot of poeple that don’t play WoW aswell. And many, many returning players.

Giving multiple choices of where to play is a reasonable request.

So the RP-PVP would be a 5th PVP Option, for RP-PVP Options - not just a third whell.

You add to that a Normal and a RP-Normal realm, one in each region, and you literally satisfied anyone with the bare minimum resources.

Of course more is to come, gradually, and we hope so. But this is the bare minimum.

This isn’t an indie company, it’s a 20th year anniversary. And it’s 2023.

That’s actually explicitly, and denotedly, why PvP servers have died. People, en masse do not like to be ganked, or “world pvp”.

It’ll be huge for 15-20 days, because it’s the new thing… but it’s gonna die real fast… and wont come back.

You’re right. This is 2023, we have 30 years of online gaming to look at as a direct reference point for what people do/don’t like… and things like ganking/“world pvp”(PvPvE) almost consistently die once the sheen fades off.

Once the faction imbalance starts to slip in any direction, people quit. I’ve said repeatedly: People don’t want “world pvp”. They want to win. They want to be juuuust in danger enough to feel like they earned it, but never have been in any actual risk of dying at all. They want to show up with 100+ potions, FAPs, LIPs, grenades, etc and just auctionhouse you to death while thinking they’re the better player under some delusion of “more prepared”.

It’s just not a long-term sustainable environment without an insanely dedicated large player base… and even then, they die off repeatedly. Look at every DAOC free server, and DAOC had actual good open world pvp.

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I hope I get to gank you in game and drink the tears and blood that come out of your body.

Joking aside, I think they are trying to make both sides happy with Faction Lock. At least they gotta try PVP - giving up before trying would be wrong and disrespectful to people that enjoy PVP - the same mistake would be not to give the option for a normal realm.

And it is 2023: we have layers now. It seems to me you had bad experiences in PVP being ganked, and so I had - just seems you had more or dealt with them poorly or the servers were just too broken on your side: and I talk that in a comic way because as you mentioned, gladly, those days are gone.

It’s like Battlegrounds while leveling up: you always find some Twinked hero at the border level, and he will almost always win the game alone. I guess people get to have their fun different ways. I don’t really mind - I mean, I rather win casual bg’s, but they are just that, casual, I try to have fun - even when it’s tilting. I know it sound BS, but it really isn’t.

I rather to see them trying things - like region lock, free server transfers, closing servers down or just merging, than to have them limit us to 4 servers only. And you want to go even further, and limit even further.

In my opinion, it is just nonsense not to give a try.

A server that isn’t even born is dead from the beginning. It’s rather to see a server start and die than to just kill completely a mode that has 20 years of tradition.

I’m okay with a queueless BG I can seamlessly move to and from. Nekrage, bro, your takes aren’t the best today.

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You wont, I respect myself entirely too much to participate in the circus that is classic era GDKP PvP servers. :laughing:

Nope. That’s the constant implication by people who want to gank though. I don’t. I had an at-launch High Warlord Rogue, and I have a Grand Marshal classic-era Warrior alt. I’ve just matured - I’m no longer the 13 year old willing to sacrifice hours of my life to counter-gank-and-sit-dead versus some group of players because they ganked me and then corpse camped me. I think at a certain point you have to value yourself, your time, and your progress more than PvP servers allow.

This tracks to the point above. BG’s while leveling is a horrible use of time. It’s horrible honor, and it’s horrible exp. Way better off questing. When you don’t have the 6-12 hours to sit around goofing off, and you only have 2-4 hours a night to be progress driven - you don’t have time for that stuff.

I’m 100% fine with the mega-servers, provided they’re actively shutting down botting, and have some form of plan to kill off GDKP. Otherwise, smaller servers win out because GDKP is horrible.

I know of him but I am not.

That is my point: You had your fun as a ganker, and now you are saying other people are not allowed to have theirs? You fought Tarren Mill x Hillsbrad, Ashenvale before the BG’s, and you owned a lot of people with inferior gear in those - and you died a lot too.

About BG’s while leveling up, not everything has to be min/man about performance. Sometimes you just want to queue while leveling up - back then it was fun, not modern retail that is a joke. Sure, specially in TBC, it was a farm.

Again, I think you are just burned out of PVP. If, at Vanilla wow, you managed to get High Warlord and you also have a Grand Marshal in classic, that means you farmed a lot. I remember the whole ordeal for the High Warlord in my server, grinding for close to 12 hours a day just for the sake of carnage of those BG’s that were few and repetitive. Specially the ridiculously long abyss from Warlord to High Warlord and all the groups, and being excluded for not being dedicated enough or for being too dedicated.

That, for me, was toxic. Open PVP was just casual bloodshed.

I don’t play classic era. I already had a lifetime in what it had to offer, no need for a repeat. And I find GDKP and offense to Dragon Kill Points.

But sadly they will never ban GDKP, I commented on another post about it, just because they don’t care to ban gold trading - they already sell WoW tokens, the only way to go lower than that is to actually sell gold in the Blizzard Store app.

Few servers are just awful. Just take Hardcore in consideration. If you remember back then, the Battle Groups and the ammount of servers, it wasn’t just because the game had more players, or because the server did not had layers, or supported fewer people. It was because people, in servers, have some sort of tribalism, and having options is much better than overcrowded servers, filled with artifical layers, with only one auction house, in a generation where a lot of people are dedicated to the cult of personalities like Twitch instead on the gameplay and the community, making guilds more volatile.

Nowdays players have so much more to enjoy about PVP realms because of the addition of better servers, more stability, layers, better instancing compared to that awful tech limitations from before.

As I said, you had your fun. Now you don’t want others to have that fun because it is at your expense? Maybe you still have a lot to grow up, my friend. We all do.

As I said, let’s have some fun in Season of Discovery open world PVP just for the laughs. That is not the only thing I am gonna do, but it’s definetly one of the things I’m gonna do. Probably will be doing a lot of world pvp around ashenvale. And probably got bored.

I’m honestly thinking about leveling a rogue just to be a break between studies, you? Read a bit, kill someone. Read some more, kill some more.

You know, typical socipathic behavior that you yourself claimed to have enjoyed so much. That isn’t really sociopathic at all, just fun and games.

That has nothing to do with what I suggested, I’m saying they should have fewer servers at the start, to see and monitor to check player population, I think it’s pointless creating a lot of servers and then if population dies down, which it will, have dead servers.

Just like in any version of wow eventually player population dips and they move on to other more populated servers or in retail start connecting dead servers to boost the population.

In reality we don’t even know how popular SoD will be, some classic players are against it as they are the “no changes crowd”, some retail players dislike the older graphics and slow gameplay and restrictions that come with classic.

I think initially it’s safer to have fewer more populated servers initially, then several less populated servers, especially at the beginning as who knows what’s going to happen. If SoD holds up being great and has great player retention, open up more servers.

It’s is not a lot, it is just one more server US East PVP and one more server US West PVP so there won’t be a bottleneck and servers will be able to overflow and give players the option for players to have a better start of the game with more room to breath. They can always merge these two extra servers eventually it dies down.

Blizzard is underestimating the ammount of players will be arriving and how the simple math of “More people wants to play alliance” or "More influencers will swing hundreds of thousands - if not millions because those things scale like that to one side and you will have a natural bottleneck!

They will try to make a river thread a small needle.

They covered it pretty well and have a better handle on it than those of us on the outside looking in.

They’ll launch the servers they feel are necessary and will add more if needed but they apparently want to avoid “disruptive character migration options”.
That topic is pinned to the top of the SoD forum list. You might want to look it over.