3 PvP servers?

Mega servers is where GDKP runners(gold sellers) flock to. They want to increase their customer base.

Not everyone wants to play with streamer sellouts and GDKP runners.

Blizzard finally announces something that looks decent for the Vanilla WoW community then kneecaps it day 1 with limited servers with 20+ layers each.

One of the enticing things about this was THE RETURN OF WORLD PvP! Well…that was a lie. This is literally a battleground now. You walk into Ashenvale and it pushes you to a layer that needs more people. It’s essentially a battleground that has no queue.

This is a mistake.


Maybe try it out first before trying to ruin it for the rest of us?

Just an idea. Crazy, I know.


Im confused on how youll know exactly how itll work for ashenvale.

Also there was always going to be layers no matter what they did server wise.


I agree… 3 servers with layers is going to a bad move for PvP. With the faction balance locks I’m pretty sure day one is going to be crushed by streamer communities locking factions.

Faction balance on PvP servers is a myth. In general, players don’t want to be the minority faction.

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Whichever Faction Asmongold picks on whichever server, the rest of the population NOT in his Posse will be forced to roll the other faction as he and his cronies will lock down the faction of HIS CHOICE.

You could have 100 servers and there will still be GDKPs and gold sellers. What the heck are you even posting about? Lol.

Even better, you’re in a GDKP with a Streamer that has gold cap 1 week into the launch because all their followers funnel them gold…

It’s like trying to win a house auction when there is a represetitive of Blackrock standing next to you.

Too many servers is the mistake……it will be fine. Blizz is making the right decision by starting with just a few servers.


yes, with the level 25 cap there will be streamers at gold cap after week 1.

Intelligence isnt strong with you apparently lol.

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A think fewer servers are better, SoD population is going to die down after the hype is over or people get fed up being lvl 25 too long.

I think they need to take a more careful approach in phase 1 of SoD.

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Pretty sure they aren’t layering the whole zone as one chunk. It’ll be in 4-5 chunks if I had guess. They have the technology. It’ll be ok.

As for streamers, they play on both factions. So it should balance out. Asmongold might cause a brief lockout, but there are plenty of other players wanting to find him as an opposing faction.

Gold sellers will be wherever people are buying gold. If anyone cares, and I don’t think that many people actually do care, then we would have to create a culture of shunning and shaming gold buyers, not celebrating them and playing with them.

Maybe, but it seems that most people do, based on where people play and our actions…

Is it? I guess we’ll find out…


You might be right about pvp, but not having a midsized makes me sad. Feels like tighter communities because you run into the same people all the time when the world doesn’t have 50 layers. I’m worried that more people will act like jerks because it’s a sea of people and they can just disappear into it.

all I gotta say is enjoy those streamers pvers lol.

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Then play on a different server.

You got PTR access but no NDA?


I still dont understand why I have better runs in GDKPS… WE down more bosses faster and I get gold at the end most the times or break even after buying a item or two. Join a SR run we waste all day replaceing people or bosses dont die and others quit or the boss dont drop a sr item and all the sudden their cat is on fire or some crap. Than the run goes to crap.

Yea huge mistake, there should only be one. If you quit over streamers/gdkp/gold selling you were a tourist who was gonna quit anyway.

Not all players like p2w, different people like different things. That doesn’t make someone a “tourist”.

OT: I feel like Blizz has learned since '19. It appears as though players prefer mega servers. The fewer servers now the less QQ about dead servers later.

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