3 PvP servers?

Imagine being this dude?

Imagine thinking the game isn’t about the community and knowing the people you play with?

Imagine thinking 100k players on your server is better than 5k?


You under the impression there won’t be gold sales in SoD… You realize we live in an age where people will spend 10s of thousands of dollars into a game for advantage right?

Gold bots working 24/7 farming will be on the move right out the gates.

I like that you think people play on the level but it’s by no means a smart perspective.

Yes, “Gold cap” is an exaggeration… It was to emphasize a point, no need to be rude, dude.

I dont contend myself with the opinions of tourists. Enjoy your 25 dollar transfer off a dead server in p4.

How do we know there is only 3 servers? (which by the way I think would be amazing.)

There are 4 servers. Look at the classic server list under the appropriate tab.

Oh look, another thread from OP crying about the sky falling.

What’s new?



even though rumors have it at 4 servers… currently the realm status is showing just one server named “the One realm”

I only see “the one realm”

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Literally been playing since the Family & Friends Alpha of vanilla and have the original collector’s edition. Do you? No? Tourist.

They are being Cheeky… It was four earlier…

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You dont have collector’s for every xpac up to cata? You didn’t play on every major pserver? Beyond shameful.

Ah yes, I can see it now. Deadmines GDKP runs. Blackened Defias Chest drops, streamer bids 9,100 gold.

No wait. I can’t see that happening at all.

I literally do have up to Cata! HAHA!

Pservers? Some. Not all.

Sounds like I got you beat, tourist.

You dont understand where most of the gold is farmed… and thats OK. DM Trib runs, Strat, and ZG… since those arent open we will be fine.

I’m thinking the opposite, actually. If Phase 1 goes by quick then people will expect Phase 2 to go by quick and then complain if it’s longer than 1.

Their current plan (something like 8-10 weeks from everything I’ve seen from players or what not) seems fine. It gives players a LOT of time to level alts, gear up, raid weekly, the works.

The last thing the game needs is all Phases out in like 4 months then people saying “guys, why is SoD so dead???”

That feels absurdly long IMO, 6 weeks for p1 is plenty of time. its level 25… that takes almost nothing to accomplish.

P2 of leveling 25-40 should be closer to 8

Do you know what the mats are for the new crafted items? Did you get some insider info from Blizzard about all the new items added to the game? Making assumptions about SoD based on Classic/Vanila is simply using old data… It’s an assumption.

I would appreciate it if you just moved on. You got all rude and now you’re clinging to me.

Not being rude at all, you simply dont understand that raw gold is the problem when it comes to gold selling and inflation. Farming some random mats does nothing to increase gold supply.

Farming things and vendoring is where the issues come up. Mages with rank 1 blizz wont quite have the ability you think theyll have phase 1 to give ppl “gold cap”

I genuinely hope this happens so that everyone else gets to go kill him over and over.

Good point on the crafted items/Raw gold farming. That said the statement I made was simply to illustrate that GDKP combined with popular streamers will result in Demi-gods on the server…Put in a fraction of the work for exponentially higher result than the average group of friends.

Unless you are one of those streamers then you will not compete… Not even close.

And you were very rude in your first response, that doesn’t go away several posts later.

That said I’m putting you on ignore man, I’m not a fan.