I think he has enough of those for the both of us.
Too late. I choose the power of the sun.
I mean, the other side could just choose death. Nothing escapes death, not even the sun.
Another point, which I forgot to mention. Wow Releases on Tuesdays… 3 days advance access = Saturday. So those willing to spend 90 dollars, don’t shortchange that number not 5 extra dollars, will have an entire weekend when many people are typically off, Tuesdays to Fridays are a typically workdays so that 3 extra days are far more meaningful based on available play time. My point I believe can be summed up in that if they released it on a Saturday and early access meant you get to play on Wednesay… makes it meh, and the fact that they are likely to push the start date out by a week to accommodate this early access. I am no fan of early access and as I think about it, I am liking it less and less as the deluxe to epic editions offer me zero, bupkiss, nada for things I am interested in other than playing the game when it is ready. I bought the deluxe editions in the past (lol long ago) that had artwork, photo albums, and those physical things which may not attract anyone else. but never to play the game early.
What’s a bumble?
No, if you want to be an almost literal definition then every single game ends up “dying” because this is how the cadence of games works: start of seasons/expansions/game: population booms and explodes having lots. As time passes people stop playing slowly. Much the same is the rise and fall of the tides; waves of people come in, waves of people leave. That’s literally how human kind is and that’s not just in gaming that’s in everything that’s not 100% necessary to live.
Waves of people buy a new PC or PC parts, then nothing for a while, then people buy new PC or PC parts, then nothing for a while. Happens all the time with everything so sure WoW “dying” in that sense I suppose but, again, it’s part of the game.
Ok and your point? If people want to play the game early just buy the stupid early access. It’s literally that simple. If not you missed out.
Like it’s not a big deal, you guys keep making it a big deal because of your FOMO. No, I haven’t bought the epic edition because I simply don’t care. It’s a “you” thing if you have an issue with it.
You said you bounce. There is a quote from Rudolph, The Red Nose Reindeer movie from the 1960s where one of the characters exclaims “Bumbles Bounce!”
Some people (even born in the 90s/2000s) may get it if they’ve seen the movie around Christmas time.
Dunno why my above didnt tag you.
im not buying it for 2 reason, it’s an actual scumbag way for companies to pull out more money from wallet and I really don’t care about the 3 day start and the other things that come with it. Honestly I wish some people whould have spme self restraint and not buy this but sometimes I think it’s more of a intelligence issue instead of a self restraint issue while the people who buy this stuff, the more money you give blizzard the more willing willing they will be to cross more lines
Which means they’ll keep doing it
I’ll enjoy my early access on my “dynamic” flight mount.
Purchased on a Burger King salary.
im not gonna read this thread, but the xpac doesn’t come out for another year. You can save up $100 if you save $10 a month until then.
Predatory practices are still predatory…
Why fight the invetiable? As many stated in this thread they will buy it regardless of their disdain of it or not. This is what we as a species has wanted via majority. If it wasn’t true then predatory actions would not exist in the gaming market, it would not go into the automobile market which has profited billions in their automobile microtransactions. The human race has voted, and they voted to continue these practices. Lets see how far we can push ourselves, how bad it can go. When will it crash and restart who knows. But it won’t be in our life times so why worry about it?
On top of it, how is anything predatory anymore when the majority wants it that they support it? Can’t be hurtful if so many people are enjoying the benefits.
What is there to discuss ,early bird catches the worm? , 72 hours extra for players to exploit the world and be prepared earlier than those joining later. It is always an advantage
This discussion should have happened before the editions were released not afterwards especially when ppl have already brought the epic editions- its too late now
BLizzard marketing team 10/10 you will sell a lot of epic editions due to this FOMO wow community we have.
That said 2million gold in 1 year is a piece of cake to get for anyone who plays the game actively , s0 epic purchase would be a no brainer. You might even make all the money back in first 3 days of early access cause thats how rich guilds are after selling carries jsut before the expansion launch
Blizzard should let us set up a fund for the poor unfortunate souls who can not afford 3 day early access. Like a scholarship. Maybe the applicants can say why they deserve those 3 extra days, and how they will contribute to the community with those 3 extra days.
We can call the initiative:
“Cursewords Cares”
If my friends don’t, I probably won’t… but if they do lol
3 days won’t matter. I always max in one day on the weekend then spend another day doing m0 s and world bosses or w.e else I can squeeze in. Then It’s raids and m+ on Tuesday and you’re not behind anyone anymore if you were at all. Paying 90 bucks for 3 days headstart won’t even matter. Now if the headstart happens to land on a weekend then that would truly be evil of blizz lol
Personally? It means nothing to me, ill be playing it since i just bought the expansion with gold so the price didnt matter to me.
I do understand the hate though, people who like playing the AH or actually try for world first xx level will look at it as a must buy.
So for me personally, I did buy the $90 I suggest others take the time to consider the options and see if its worth it for them Don’t give in to the 3-day early access fomo. Vote with your wallets if its not worth it for you. The reason for my purchase was beta access I have never been in a WOW beta, so I thought that would be cool to try. I hope this doesnt reflect blizzards stance and new directions for games to come; its bothersome for real.
It’s appalling that you support this, instead of owning up to Blizzard and saying they F’ed up. You continue to support predatory marketing behavior.