3 days early access for 90$ (community discussion and poll)

Personally, would not buy it. It won’t prevent me from playing the game as I can easily catch up if I wanted to since M+ or Raids won’t be available for early access players.

I’m still buying the base edition regardless cause thats the only one worth it for me. What are the community’s thoughts on this? I’m not a big fan of the 3-day early access myself so I am curious to hear what the community thinks.


It’s absolute degenerate, I’ll buy it though.


I’m mad about it.
I’ll probably end up getting it.

That’s business for ya.


I can buy it with wow gold/bnet balance easily, but I’m extremely annoyed still as it splits the playerbase onto different start dates and I know I have friends who will not buy the 3 days FOMA early access.


This is the only upside to this crap segregating the start so that not everyone is fighting for the same boar butt.


The early-access is just a bonus. The pet and mount and other goodies are where the value is.


Sharding already makes that a non-issue.

Also guaranteed beta access and 30 days of gametime.

I count the gametime as somthing i was gonna pay for anyway so i subtract 15 dollars from the total.


It definitely helps, but there’s always issues.

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Actually I think if it were just that they’d hardly sell many copies. The FOMA of early access will be the primary motivating factor for most sales of that pack.


It’s disgusting.

I didn’t buy DF as I’ve been over in Classic, but I’ve been mulling over the idea of returning to retail for the next expansion and just playing casually, even if for only a few months or as an LFR hero or something.

These kind of business practices disgust me and basically makes me unwanting to support them. Only reason I’m still subbed is because I liquidated all my gold into game time back in shadowlands.


Ive already bought it :stuck_out_tongue:


Honestly, its still a better deal than top teir DF was…

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Makes no difference if you get it or not. Any gear you manage to get in the first 2 weeks will be replaced in week 3-4.

You will only have access to levelling and maybe rares.
No weekly quests ,mythic dungeons.


I may have to try to do this. But not sure I can with how prices have gone up on the token.

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I didn’t buy the epic edition for early access and hope they remove it. Why create divides you don’t need to?


I’m going to buy it so I can catch up on the changes… until then I will be playing wrath classic, Cata classic and seasons of discovery (classic +):scream::sob::scream:

Wait, what?

That’s what I came to say too, the upgrade to epic is $20 more, and you get gametime and more tendies, which is probably worth the $20 by itself anyway.

Uninterested in beta testing software for free, but the 3-day head start could be quite useful for me at least, as I’ve always seemed to level slower than other folks.

Wow has not bewitched me so far into buying any extraneous versions of the game, the basic game is good enough for me. no collectors edition or any other nonsense.
As for mounts and pets?
I have a stable full of perfectly fine mounts and pets. I donʻt need to pay for another drake mount because “Ooh this one is purple”
Now, if the purple drake could do stuff like repair gear on the fly then id consider getting it.

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