To be clear, it’s not $90 for 3 days early access, it’s $90 for the game, the character boost, 1000 traders tender, the mount, the transmog, the pet, the toy, the hearthstone effect, beta access, 30 days of game time, AND 3 days early access.
Personally I would not pay for early access…
However… a year ago while sitting in Discord… the topic got around to what folks were spending per month on the game. My ears perked up and I just sat in the channel and listened.
Average, for the folks in that Discord channel, was between $100 to $150 per month spent on the sub and tokens. One guy admitted to spending almost $5000 in the last two years. On what, I do not know… The number was… astonishing to me.
Mostly spent on tokens to buy crafted stuff, and raid consumables. Keep in mind that this is just a run of the mill Normal/Heroic guild. Not even sure they downed the last boss on Heroic.
I am going to guess $90 for 3 day early access is not going to be a big deal for the people in that Discord channel.
Yes, I was surprised to say the least. I could not imagine anyone from the family/social guilds I was a part of in Cata/MoP/WoD paying those sums. Sure people bought pets and mounts, but those were one offs.
Edit: Fixed an oopsie with the $5000 amount…
Edit #2 : Just read the post above mine. Sounds like the Collector’s edtion on steroids. If that’s the case it isn’t that big a deal. I’ll probably still pass though. Haven’t bought a collector edition since WoD. I think.
Not even slightly true. I guarantee the overwhelming majority of people buying the epic pack are doing it more for the cosmetic bonuses than the three days.
I would have bought it even if the 3 days wasn’t included, just like I have for the past few expansions that didn’t have early access.
I’m in the hope to get that version, but the early access isn’t really something I feel is an incentive to me. Part of launch is the mayhem of everyone starting a new thing at once, so this is almost something I’d say detracts from the value for me. A split up launch just doesn’t sound good to me, so while the other stuff is nice, I’d be happier if they ditched that and found a new thing to replace it with if they feel the need for extra value.
DANG! Did he buy the AH mount or something?
My husband and I spent uh… well, don’t want to add it up atm, a bit this month on our hobbies, one of which is WoW. Why? Well, neither of us wanted really anything for our anniversary coming up as we’re trying to declutter the house (word of advice people, if your aging parents say “Hey, do you want this?” or “I think you should have this.” about their own stuff… say NO!) so we bought the epic version because hey, mount, pet, mogs, and if the official launch follows the normal pattern, those 3 days will fall on his days off.
No. i think it was boosts, tokens, char transfers, renames and I don’t know what else.
I hear you about the stuff. I took care of my parent’s estate and I’m still dealing with the remnants of the stuff years later. My goal is to not do that to my own kids. So far, I’m not doing a good job of decluttering though.
In May I bought a motorcycle, so that is my expensive “hobby” for this year.
I hear ya. Yeah, we’re both determined to not do the same to our kids.
And grats on your motorcycle! I hope you have years of fun with it.
I guarantee you are entirely wrong.
Most people don’t think cosmetics are worth the prices gaming companies charge for them or even close. Many people will have zero interest in the cosmetics in the pack and still buy it for the early access.
The FOMO of not being able to start WoW, a game we’ve always been able to start at the same time as everyone else for the past 20 years, will 100% be the primary selling point of that pack. They know that or they would have at least included it in the middle priced pack as well. They actually included early access in the middle pack of D4. This is actually them being even greedier and worse than they were with their first experiment with early access.
They DO NOT think the most expensive pack would be worth the price without exclusive early access. They do not think it would sell as many copies as they’d like without it. That’s why it is only in that pack.
Bahahaha you sweet summer child.
Gaming companies wouldn’t be charging those prices if they weren’t selling.
They included it because lots of gaming companies are doing it. They said as much in their recent interview.
Is your uncle Ion? Can he give me an alpha invite?
Seriously though, you don’t know what you’re talking about at all.
Where are you originally from, OP?
I mean… Enough will buy it, so it is what it is.
The official launch day will take down the servers anyway as everyone will be rushing in as soon as the door is opened.
They sell overpriced cosmetics to whales. They don’t intend for large numbers to care about overpriced cosmetics.
Doesn’t address it not being in the middle pack. What they say in an interview is hilariously irrelevant. They stuck it in the pack for FOMO sales because they know it’s a dirty psychological tactic THAT WORKS.
I seem to understand it quite a bit better than you do.
Anyone that doesn’t understand that early access is the primary selling point of the most expensive pack is immensely delusional.
What was the primary selling point of the premium editions in the past, I wonder
A much smaller percentage of the people who buy the expansion likely bought them in the past compared to the numbers that will buy this one.
That’s what they’re going for.
Ur not paying $90 just for 3 day access, tho.
There’s more included that the other versions don’t have than just early access
Do you have those numbers for me to look at?
Again, most people do not care about the other things and would likely not be buying the pack if not for early access.
Early access it going to be by far the primary motivating factor behind most sales of the pack.
They haven’t all happened yet, but I have some common sense and critical thinking skills that could help you understand why it will be true.
No I’d rather see the numbers you have now, and I’ll come back next year when the new ones are out
You don’t need data to understand what’s going on.
If early access wasn’t a huge factor in increasing sales, they wouldn’t risk alienating huge numbers of people by putting it there at all. They knew it was going to be a lot of negative PR but still determined it was worth doing.
They included it in two packs in D4 but only one in WoW. That also suggests they already have the data from D4 showing how big of a factor early access was in selling more expensive packs compared to the base edition compared to their previous game’s sales. The fact that they’re only including it in the most expensive version and not the middle pack like they did in D4 further emphasizes that point. They are milking it for everything that it’s worth, and it’s worth a lot. They know it is.