Well no it’s not, because you already said you’d jump at the opportunity to get it for free, so it’s not the principle of it, it’s that you don’t feel like you should have to pay for it
Death rattle assumes close to death, but people like you are only happy when servers shut down for something. People like you even say HOTS is supposedly doing well, surely.
You should learn the definitions of words, probably including the one for your name.
I would agree that it is indeed slightly murkier. However, since many people have been willing to pay the price for the digital items I would be willing to say they have an actual market value. If nobody bought them I would agree that it isnt and objective value but rather a subjective one.
You don’t have to use the early access if you don’t want to. That’s 100% optional and just included in the package.
I have a conspiracy theory that you are posting on multiple characters and actually responding to your own posts… It’s made this thread a straight blast.
You’re intentionally taking that out of context still even though I already explained it to you.
Getting it “for free” is meant to nullify its existence since it’s too late for them to remove it entirely from the packs for legal reasons. They already advertised it with early access as a feature and people paid for it, so they can’t simply delete it directly.
Adding it via a twitch drop or free promotion nullifies it so everyone can start on the same date.
Well you have to be subscribed to be on the forums, so…
I was being a bit silly with my comment to keep it light. I was imagining your friend sitting at their computer silently crying, as you prance through Azeroth slaying baddies without them.
No, you do not. Look up the definition of a subscription sometime. Don’t bother posting at me any more, though. You’ll be wasting your time even more.
So you’re against early access in principle, but because some people already have it, you’re not against it in principle anymore?
You sure have a thing for definitions. Was your mom a dictionary?
I refer to you to check pvp website, also no offense to mito, but I blow them out of the water in achievement points, mounts, and pets. Which is usually the easier way to alt check people.
Probably better to do your own research before putting your foot in your mouth.
It could be multiple people just think your takes are dumb.
oh yeah, when I had my Palia alpha key I had my brother come over just to see the login screen. Then told them they had to leave because I can’t share it with them…
Maybe I am a little rude.
You seem to not understand that if it’s given as a free promo it essentially removes it as everyone starts on the same day again, as they should be able to.
I will have to wait and see. Beta access, heh completely uninterested. The bling, pets, mounts, very nice though again not much for me as I do not have very many bought pets/mounts.
Not playing with my friends and being basically locked out of the new expansion for three days. This is my look at it, spin it however you wish. Leaves me at the minimum with a bad taste in my mouth. I am unlikely to quit over this specifically, however it will color how I view the expansion and my enjoyment. I get business decisions but this one was not thought out very well. Next expansion after how about a 1-week early access? It gives me trust issues.
Well not everyone would get it through the promo either, so you’re still claiming early access. It’s not nullifying early access, you’ll just be a part of it now.
I can agree with this sentiment. Personally I agree that MMOs are more fun when packed full and started at the same time.
Probably true, but it would be a choice as it was freely available to everyone.
Well it’s a choice now too
So again we’re back to, you’re not against it in principle, you just think you shouldn’t have to pay for it
XD Thats so evil.