3 days early access for 90$ (community discussion and poll)

The evidence that he was named the executive creative director of the Warcraft universe? The evidence where they said he’s going to be focused on shaping the Warcraft story? The evidence where he tweeted he’s excited about the stories they’re working on?

It’s all over everywhere that he was brought back to craft the stories because people weren’t satisfied with the story during his absence. Blizzard themselves have said it, we have very well connected and big WoW YouTubers talking about it, I don’t know how you could have missed it.

Do you think all of that is just a lie and he’s just sitting in his basement eating cheetos until Blizzcon rolls around?

First, they’re not “greedy”. They’re selling a product. At the end of the day, they need the money to pay for the roofs over their heads and put food on their tables. As consumers, we can’t just applaud and say “woot!! Great game!!” because they can’t look at their landlords and cover their apartments by applauding and saying “woot! Great apartment!!

Second, they didn’t have to offer any early access and they still would have sold $90 editions of the game. Would they have sold as many? No way for especially us to know.

I’ll go further and say they don’t have to offer any lower priced editions. They could have made the only one available $90 and you buy it or you don’t play at all. Some people would have called that too steep, but others would have just bought it and gone on with life. It’s possible they could have sold enough $90 editions like that to have made up for not offering a lower price point one. (Regardless of that would have been a dumb move in the long run since an MMO, unlike other products, relies on some number of people all using the product at once and – to an extent – the more the merrier.)

So as far as the adding game time goes, I see nothing “awful” about it. It’s an extra service they’re willing to offer for a fee, just like a restaurant charging more for the 6oz wine over the 4oz pour.

I’m not sure why it qualifies as “unnecessary” either. Maybe they do need the money. Neither of us know the cash situation of the company in detail. I work for a veterinarian and I love to hear how “unnecessary” our prices on some things are when I know in painful detail how long and how much we pay to purchase the things, appropriately store the things, not only possess but also keep serviced the items which allow us to administer the things, and then we still need to pay to have a building and lights on in that building and staff who need to be paid to work in that building or we have no clinic for them to come to… but people will constantly complain about our “unnecessary” prices. So TL;DR… making assumptions can be frightfully inaccurate.

Also as far as “unnecessary” goes, it might turn out to be a better game experience for all to not have the whole of the WoW population at the starting gate all at once. If you were playing for any of the expansions which had split starting zones, as well as having experienced the ones which put all the players in the same spot at the same time, you know how splitting the players up positively effected the launch day game experience for everyone. This is one method of doing that without having to write in split zones. (Personally, I liked how Legion and BfA did it, but that is likely more expensive due to the increased level of planning/writing.)

Seriously. I’ve played from the start, for every expansion, been there on day one for EVERY launch. The non-split launch days with all players starting at the same time in the same place were always messy. The split ones were always cleaner.

So then instead of just saying “OMG IT’S SO UNFAIR!!!” and “OMG THEY’RE GREEDY!!” explain in quantitative ways exactly how it negatively effects your game experience. Constructive feedback like that might be something they find useful and can give them things to consider about this model and how it is effecting the player base as a whole.

One thing is certain: Emotional foot stomping absolutely does not help and this thread is full of lots of emotional foot stomping with little actual constructive feedback.


I see, so words are evidence. Not that you will listen to me but I highly suggest you not take the words of businessmen or politicians at face value. Typically speaking with enough motivation to do so these people will almost always lie to you.

Oh so you’re a doomer? Everyone is lying, nothing is true, the world is perpetually bad all the time?

Something as simple as a guy being appointed executive creative director isn’t real because it was a company that said it? Is Holly Longdale even part of the company? Is War Within even happening? Can’t trust anyone with what they say, everyone is lying.

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A doomer? No, but I don’t inheritly trust the words of politicians or businessmen when they have something to gain by lying. As you stated it was pretty clear the community was unhappy with Metzen leaving, and the reason he gave was very good he wanted to take care of his family. Do you think that motivation to leave is no longer present? Then one should ask why return then? It’s not that difficult to see a scenario where Blizzard would be willing to part with some money for the purpose of creating appeal, Metzen return would be enough to generate older generations to return to the game. There is motivation for Blizzard to bring him back, but Metzen’s motivation to be at home more still remains. The obvious answer would be to let him do that and pay him to do so.

I think Metzen was lying when he said he was leaving for his family.

Everyone is lying all the time and Metzen had something to gain by doing so.

People would have been angry if he just left, so he made up a story about how he wanted to focus on his family so people wouldn’t hate him.

Also the moon is fake because the government profits from taxpayer money for space exploration right? So they faked the moon so people would give them more money?

I think when I go to a baseball game in the summer, that’s fake too. They’re probably just holograms or something set up to make me think it’s real people playing a sport. The owners (businessmen) stand to gain a ton of money by lying to me about baseball, so it only makes sense that it’s not real.

Who says baseball is entirely real? Sports have been found to be fake in the past, or do you believe wrestling is still real and the events that happen in them are not planned?

Its okay to question the reality of things we are being told.

That’s what I’m sayin, everything is a lie. Your cell phone? Not real. Your car? Actually runs on puppy blood, not gasoline, but they can’t tell you that because then you wouldn’t buy them, so they lie. Covid? Didn’t happen, just a lie to make the government more money.

Do you see what I’m saying? Politicians and businessmen are lying all the time about everything, so if they ever say something, you can be sure it’s a lie and the opposite is probably true.

You are somewhat on the right track but push the lines of absurdity with your skepticism. Many of the things you state are easily verifiable. Puppyblood isn’t black or the consistency of gasoline, nor does it catch fire when you light it. But hey, maybe it’s a hellhound.

I am learning so much (sips :beer:).

Well we know there’s no line, because everything they tell you is a lie all the time, you’re just buying into the lies that big gasoline is spreading, that’s all. I mean they literally tell you gasoline is what powers your car, so how can you possibly believe that’s true? They’re l-y-i-n-g to you.

Mocking really doesn’t suite you, but feel free to have your fun and living in ignorance because you refuse to question the people that have motivation to lie to you. I guess this is why news sources have so much power.

I must say, it’s highly odd for someone that was so caught up on “Objective” truth and “Data” to suddenly be accepting of words being evidence.

Yeah I’m not sure I can trust what you’re saying, you have plenty of reason to lie to me

Well hey at least now your being consistent with yourself within this thread. Not trusting anything without evidence to back it up. Words wasn’t enough for you before, but some reason Blizzards words is undeniable truth.

No, no, no…the moon landing was fake. The moon is real. But b.i.rd.s…b.i.r.d.s are real.

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Yeah, some random guy on the WoW forums crying about how early access is harmful to the game is exactly the same as multiple press releases covering a guy being hired as an executive creative director of a public company.

If I’m going to be skeptical of Copperfield-Silvermoon claiming early access is harmful to WoW, I should be equally as skeptical of everything else in life.

I hate it… but I bought it. It’s terrible for the industry but I am addicted.

And nobody is saying that isn’t his job title, the question is the duties in which that entails. You can give anyone any title you want and it could mean anything you want it to be. I could hire you and call you the executive producer of trash handling but really all you would be is a dish washer.

Yes I know, you’re a doomer, you’re a conspiracy theorist, I understand now, it makes more sense that you think early access is harmful to WoW

Living your life under the idea that people are going to lie to you all the time is not healthy at all. How do you maintain relationships if you are under the expectation that you are going to lied to? Do people lie? Yes. Should you have the thought process that everyone may have motivation to lie to you? Thats paranoia my friend.

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