I see no issue with announcing multiple expansions, I think it helps cultivate curiosity and excitement. So long as that content isn’t considerably reduced because it is rushed it should be fine.
Slightly off topic, which means mostly on topic.
Whether you intended it or not, I’m telling you, when you’re in a thread that’s entirely about discussing whether early access is harmful or not, and you use the same language in a mostly relevant post, you are very much giving the impression that you are referring to things like early access when you say
Does this make it difficult to get business’s to stop doing harmful things? Yes.
And especially when it’s already well known that your personal opinion is that it is bad, I think we can all see the connection.
So your post as it’s written reads like this:
“He’s welcome to spend his money however he wants, even if he chooses to support harmful things, it’s not his responsibility to stop companies from doing harmful things, so it’s okay if he supports them doing harmful things”
You’re subtly assigning blame of “harmful things” to him, even if indirectly, by saying if he keeps doing it, it’s harmful to the game, but it’s his choice to keep doing it.
Again, we have yet to establish that early access is harmful, and you have agreed that we aren’t able to, yet you keep moving forward with the assertion that it’s harmful.
So like I said your hungup on the word harmful. When the word business’s is right there. It’s not directly related to the topic but an offshoot of the topic as it was a response to someone in it. Regardless of my own personal beliefs on the matter I’m more then capable of removing my belief from the equation to empathize with someone who is being mistreated in the crossfire. In this respect the words is used in a manner of other peoples opinions. Or do you disagree that others are viewing the content as harmful and is treating the individual I spoke to poorly because they chose to purchase the package? Do you disagree that the reality of the world is that us purchasing things makes it difficult to stop businesses from doing things we see as harmful because they will only consider the money without some other form of intervention taking place? You are hung up on a single word irrelevant to the post I made. No matter how you try to spin the argument the fact remains that these things hold objectively true. So my own opinions on the word “harmful” is irrelevant in the context of the response.
Honestly I find it kind of gross. There’s been beta but never a blatant 3 day early access for those who pay to get a head start like this.
Oh but Microsoft getter ng the ownership was gonna be sooo much better
Is paying more to get a head start on top of wow tokens still claimed to not be pay to win here?
Because it’s getting closer lol or at least pay for an advantage.
It basically is trying to use the fear of being behind to force purchase for $90
We all already knew the path that would happen the second store mounts became a thing. It was a gateway drug for poor business practice. After that we got the WoW token that will always be largely defended because people are using it as a way to fund their own game time. Then of course the next natural step is the 3 days early access. Slippery slope is a fallacy, however it’s difficult to argue there isn’t a pattern being formed here that points toward a ever increasingly pervasive business practice.
The ONLY way I’m ever going to buy another expansion is if they abolish the stupid Pathfinder and tell me I can fly with regular mounts on day one - period. Im beyond sick of Ion and his stupid petty restrictions.
It’s not irrelevant, but I don’t need any more straw man arguments thrown at me so enjoy your night
Bad, very bad. But gamers don’t care, so it will happen and worse will continue forward. More money for the company. Until they don’t have enough players to sustain the game, because they decided to go for profit rather than making a good game.
I’m not sure if gamers don’t care. The vocalization on the matter makes me believe gamers do care. The issue is that gamers care more about what they get then what they see as bad. End of the day we will justify our expenses because we enjoy what we receive. It doesn’t matter if standards get lowered because ultimately we still enjoy it enough to justify the expense. So long as this holds true we can never expect change.
Tbh thats an awful stance. The xpac is more than a year away. $90 is nothing a year off. Sure some cant dump 90 on it, but really its not big of an issue as people are making it. Set $10 aside everyone month and you can buy it before its released.
Lets be honest. This isnt about the money or the early access…
Should see how many vocalize distaste and then buy it anyways. Then complain about many aspects of the game being the way there are - but it’s because of them. The community will grow increasingly toxic and be more about money and ‘businesses should strive to make monies!’ because they’re shills.
Why is it uncalled for? All businesses are there to make money by providing a product or service a consumer wants to purchase. Blizzard made 3 editions of the game. If you cannot afford, or don’t want to purchase anything other than the lowest tier then you have that option. If Blizzard ONLY offered the Epic Edition, you’d have a leg to stand on, but they don’t. The offer 3 options at different price points with bonuses that will appeal to different buyers. You don’t need the Epic edition. 3 days is not going to make or break anyone who plays the game. If that was even close to true people who can’t play until the weekend after launch would be equally behind to power curve and that has never been an issue in any previous expansion.
Ion said M0/M+ are not available. Profession skill points are not active during the 3 days early access, raid is unavailable. So, the only “advantage” is a few people are going to hit level 80 before you, which is totally inconsequential when they can’t do any end game stuff. A few people might gather rank 1 herbs, ore, or skins or even make r1 consumables and get some progress on leveling the professions, but no one is going to hit 100 within 3 days without skill points enabled. If 3 days is enough to break your progress toward leveling or M+/Raid that starts a week after launch, or economically devastate your ability to make gold, you were going to have those same issues if the early access didn’t exist. This idea that just because you pay a subscription that options shouldn’t exist is ridiculous. the idea that 3 days early access is detrimental to the player base is unfounded.
My biggest issue with all these threads and complaints is people focus on things that don’t matter. If someone hits level cap before you why and how does that hurt you? If they hit level cap on launch day before you how is that somehow be different than if they hit it 3 days earlier when none of the content unlocks for a week after launch? If someone gets in M+ a day or more earlier than you do you get kicked out of your guild? Are you unable to do M+ if you are “late”? I ask again, if those things are true, then what about the people who can’t play until the weekend after launch? are they disadvantaged by you starting on launch day?
All these complaints boil down to you don’t want to pay extra and think that people who have no issue with doing so are somehow ruining your experience and no one has been able to adequately show how that is the case.
Not entirely true, if you are someone that always buys the largest package your not the data that says it’s profitable to do these types of promotions. Rather the data that is problematic is the ones that don’t usually make these purchases deciding to do so. However, at the same time we must recognize we live in an open trade economy and everyone has the right to spend their money how they see fit. I don’t think it’s right for us to place the blame on the individuals purchasing the packages they are not the ones doing wrong. Rather it’s the businesses that choose to do these things. I’m not going to argue against however that it would be easier to make them stop if they didn’t make money from it, but we can’t blame people for spending money to buy things they enjoy. Specially when we consider broader facts such as us choosing to purchase PCs, Cellphones, and other electronic devices that use abusive labor practices to make the parts for.
Because the number of people who complain on social media will always be very loud minorities. Even when in significant number it takes way more than just “complaints” to make a dent large enough to make it even noticeable. The fact that people buy it anyways as you phrase it showcases that they weren’t real complaints to begin with, but rather upvote farming because negativity is popular online.
Very few people provide legitimate and reasonable critique, and the number get smaller and smaller. Afterall, in an environment where popularism rules and the only thing popular is negativity … what is the point of a nuanced conversation talking about the actual real pros and cons to any decision? After all, you did the same thing here:
You have so far:
- Showcased that no one has any real complaints, but yet…
- Insist that it is because of others who aren’t fake-complaining’s fault, so you call others who don’t behave like you…
- Buzzwords like “shills” with zero cognitive thought as to what it is you are saying.
After all, you are on a forum you only have access to by paying a subscription to the game for. If this was truly such an abhorrent thing to be a random bit of the bundle (since exceedingly few if any people would be swayed to buy the bundle for early access to be a beta-tester) … why haven’t you voted with your wallet?
You are still playing the game, still paying for the game, still taking part in this (apparently) oh so dreadfully woefully abhorrent behaviour of … what? Pre-orders existing and acting like that’s a new thing or something?
If you had any degree of self-reflection possible, you’d realize that there is a problem. But it ain’t the ones enjoying the game and playing the game, but rather folks like yourself who are the problem. And the ultimate proof to this is that all of what I just said will fall on deaf ears, like it does to everyone else who literally just go onto social media for the sake of complaining.
Have a good day, and hope you can find a more meaningful hobby one day.
I am not buying it right now. But rewatching the video, rewatching Metzan say Azeroth needs her defenders and to come home… the feels… MY WALLET IS LIGHTER
I can’t help but feel Metzen’s role is more one of a talking head, or the “Face” of the story then any actual control over it. I suspect he may spend much of his time at home and collecting a large salary out of Blizzard being able to use his name to help reduce backlash.
I mean it’s been outright confirmed that your feeling on this is wrong
With what evidence? Him being the talking head at Blizzcon proves he isn’t a talking head?
I don’t think that. Maybe I’m too much an optimist, but Metzan wrote the story of WoW, knows how it all should tie together, and is here…to…bring…US HOME /cry
I agree, honestly even if all he does is consult the team on the story that is more then enough.